I am using pixels as the unit for my font. In one place, I am performing a hit test to check if the user has clicked within the bounding rectangle of some text on screen. I need to use something like MeasureString
for this. Unfortunately, the code doing the hit test is deep within a library which does not have access to a Graphics
object or even a Control
How do I get the bounding box of a string given the font without using the Graphics
class? Why do I even need a Graphics
object when my font is in pixels?
5 个解决方案
If you have a reference to System.Windows.Forms, try using the TextRenderer class. There is a static method (MeasureText) which takes the string and font and returns the size. MSDN Link
如果您有对System.Windows.Forms的引用,请尝试使用TextRenderer类。有一个静态方法(MeasureText),它接受字符串和字体并返回大小。 MSDN链接
You don't need to use the graphics object that you are using to render to do the measuring. You could create a static utility class:
public static class GraphicsHelper
public static SizeF MeasureString(string s, Font font)
SizeF result;
using (var image = new Bitmap(1, 1))
using (var g = Graphics.FromImage(image))
result = g.MeasureString(s, font);
return result;
It might be worthwile, depending on your situation to set the dpi of the bitmap as well.
method in @NerdFury answer will give a higher string width than expected.Additional info you can find here. If you want to measure only the physical length please add this two lines :
g.TextRenderingHint = System.Drawing.Text.TextRenderingHint.AntiAlias;
result =
g.MeasureString(measuredString, font, int.MaxValue, StringFormat.GenericTypographic);
This example does great job of illustrating the use of FormattedText. FormattedText provides low-level control for drawing text in Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) applications. You can use it to measure the Width of a string with a particular Font without using a Graphics object.
这个例子很好地说明了FormattedText的使用。 FormattedText为Windows Presentation Foundation(WPF)应用程序中的绘图文本提供低级控件。您可以使用它来测量具有特定Font的字符串的宽度,而无需使用Graphics对象。
public static float Measure(string text, string fontFamily, float emSize)
FormattedText formatted = new FormattedText(
new Typeface(fontFamily),
return formatted.Width;
Include WindowsBase and PresentationCore libraries.
This may not be but a repeat of others, but my problem was the unwanted Graphics object as well. After listening to the above frustrations I simply tried:
Size proposedSize = new Size(int.MaxValue, int.MaxValue);
TextFormatFlags flags = TextFormatFlags.NoPadding;
Size ressize = TextRenderer.MeasureText(content, cardfont, proposedSize, flags);
(where 'content' is the string to measure and cardfont the font it is in)
... and was in luck. I could use the result to set the width of my column in VSTO.
If you have a reference to System.Windows.Forms, try using the TextRenderer class. There is a static method (MeasureText) which takes the string and font and returns the size. MSDN Link
如果您有对System.Windows.Forms的引用,请尝试使用TextRenderer类。有一个静态方法(MeasureText),它接受字符串和字体并返回大小。 MSDN链接
You don't need to use the graphics object that you are using to render to do the measuring. You could create a static utility class:
public static class GraphicsHelper
public static SizeF MeasureString(string s, Font font)
SizeF result;
using (var image = new Bitmap(1, 1))
using (var g = Graphics.FromImage(image))
result = g.MeasureString(s, font);
return result;
It might be worthwile, depending on your situation to set the dpi of the bitmap as well.
method in @NerdFury answer will give a higher string width than expected.Additional info you can find here. If you want to measure only the physical length please add this two lines :
g.TextRenderingHint = System.Drawing.Text.TextRenderingHint.AntiAlias;
result =
g.MeasureString(measuredString, font, int.MaxValue, StringFormat.GenericTypographic);
This example does great job of illustrating the use of FormattedText. FormattedText provides low-level control for drawing text in Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) applications. You can use it to measure the Width of a string with a particular Font without using a Graphics object.
这个例子很好地说明了FormattedText的使用。 FormattedText为Windows Presentation Foundation(WPF)应用程序中的绘图文本提供低级控件。您可以使用它来测量具有特定Font的字符串的宽度,而无需使用Graphics对象。
public static float Measure(string text, string fontFamily, float emSize)
FormattedText formatted = new FormattedText(
new Typeface(fontFamily),
return formatted.Width;
Include WindowsBase and PresentationCore libraries.
This may not be but a repeat of others, but my problem was the unwanted Graphics object as well. After listening to the above frustrations I simply tried:
Size proposedSize = new Size(int.MaxValue, int.MaxValue);
TextFormatFlags flags = TextFormatFlags.NoPadding;
Size ressize = TextRenderer.MeasureText(content, cardfont, proposedSize, flags);
(where 'content' is the string to measure and cardfont the font it is in)
... and was in luck. I could use the result to set the width of my column in VSTO.