
时间:2022-09-30 20:51:08

Take the following example class:


public class Questions
    public Int32 QuestionId { get; set; }
    public String Question { get; set; }
    public String Answer { get; set; }

And the following array:


var questionArray = new Questions[]
    new Questions {QuestionId = 1, Question = "How old are you?", Answer = "32"},
    new Questions {QuestionId = 2, Question = "What is your name?", Answer = "John"},
    new Questions {QuestionId = 3, Question = "How tall are you?", Answer = "6'"}

Using LINQ, I want to get the Answer for a specified QuestionId. For example, if I gave QuestionId 2, the result would be 'John'.

使用LINQ,我想获得指定QuestionId的答案。例如,如果我给了QuestionId 2,结果就是'John'。

I want to be able to pull out the answer to a specific question to populate a separate DTO. ie:


var person = new PersonDto {Name = <single line LINQ goes here>};

So far I have only managed to get an answer using the following:


foreach (var q in questionArray.Where(q => q.QuestionId == 2))
    var answer = q.Answer;

Is this possible in 1 line of code?


2 个解决方案



It is possible using for e.g. Single from Linq, Single will throw exception when there will be more than one answer.


var answer = questionArray.Single(x=>x.QuestionId == 2).Answer;

This answer assumes that there is only one answer to one question (and it is always present). You can add SingleOrDefault and check for null if you are not sure if answer exists. Or you can add Where clause to get more than one answer, like:


var answers = questionArray.Where(x=>x.QuestionId == 2).Select(x=>x.Answer);

Above snippet will not fail if there is no answer to question and it will return empty sequence for it. You can test it for having a value and run First on it.




You are using the Wrong(tm) datatype. For lookups like these, use a Dictionary.


public class Question // Class names should be a singular form noun
    public int Id { get; set; } // QuestionId is redundant
    public string Question { get; set; }
    public string Answer { get; set; }

var questions = new Question[]
    new Questions {Id = 1, Question = "How old are you?", Answer = "32"},
    new Questions {Id = 2, Question = "What is your name?", Answer = "John"},
    new Questions {Id = 3, Question = "How tall are you?", Answer = "6'"}
}.ToDictionary(q => q.Id, q => q);

var answerToQuestionNumberTwo = questions[2].Answer;

EDIT: Clarification, the reason a dictionary is "better" here is because it is both more readable and is faster. You want to construct a collection meant for associating a question with a given ID, enabling you to do lookups on question objects to query their properties. This is the raison d'être of the Dictionary data structure and it has a lookup time complexity of O(1) (compared to O(n) of the Where/First/Single LINQ methods).

编辑:澄清,字典在这里“更好”的原因是因为它更具可读性和更快。您希望构建一个用于将问题与给定ID相关联的集合,使您能够对问题对象进行查找以查询其属性。这是Dictionary数据结构的存在理由,它的查找时间复杂度为O(1)(与Where / First / Single LINQ方法的O(n)相比)。



It is possible using for e.g. Single from Linq, Single will throw exception when there will be more than one answer.


var answer = questionArray.Single(x=>x.QuestionId == 2).Answer;

This answer assumes that there is only one answer to one question (and it is always present). You can add SingleOrDefault and check for null if you are not sure if answer exists. Or you can add Where clause to get more than one answer, like:


var answers = questionArray.Where(x=>x.QuestionId == 2).Select(x=>x.Answer);

Above snippet will not fail if there is no answer to question and it will return empty sequence for it. You can test it for having a value and run First on it.




You are using the Wrong(tm) datatype. For lookups like these, use a Dictionary.


public class Question // Class names should be a singular form noun
    public int Id { get; set; } // QuestionId is redundant
    public string Question { get; set; }
    public string Answer { get; set; }

var questions = new Question[]
    new Questions {Id = 1, Question = "How old are you?", Answer = "32"},
    new Questions {Id = 2, Question = "What is your name?", Answer = "John"},
    new Questions {Id = 3, Question = "How tall are you?", Answer = "6'"}
}.ToDictionary(q => q.Id, q => q);

var answerToQuestionNumberTwo = questions[2].Answer;

EDIT: Clarification, the reason a dictionary is "better" here is because it is both more readable and is faster. You want to construct a collection meant for associating a question with a given ID, enabling you to do lookups on question objects to query their properties. This is the raison d'être of the Dictionary data structure and it has a lookup time complexity of O(1) (compared to O(n) of the Where/First/Single LINQ methods).

编辑:澄清,字典在这里“更好”的原因是因为它更具可读性和更快。您希望构建一个用于将问题与给定ID相关联的集合,使您能够对问题对象进行查找以查询其属性。这是Dictionary数据结构的存在理由,它的查找时间复杂度为O(1)(与Where / First / Single LINQ方法的O(n)相比)。