
时间:2021-07-17 17:05:47

I want to read, and learn from, the source code of a scripting language's interpreter/compiler. What scripting language interpreter/compiler has the simplest, cleanest, and easiest to read source code? I would prefer it to be written in C/C++ (what else are compilers written in anyway?) because I'm planning on writing a compiler in C.

我想阅读并学习脚本语言的解释器/编译器的源代码。什么脚本语言解释器/编译器具有最简单,最干净,最容易阅读的源代码?我更喜欢用C / C ++编写(还有什么编写的编译器?)因为我打算用C编写编译器。

6 个解决方案



Take a look at lua, you can go through the firsts versions of the programming language and see how it has evolved. It's written in C and has a clean and nice code. You can write a compiler in almost every programming language, but C has been the one that most programmers chose.




The CPython interrupter has been around for quite some time and I would imagine that it would be very useful to you.




AngelScript is a very good option for learning about compilers. This is a language with C/C++ familiar syntax, garbage collection, it is object-oriented with inheritance and polymorphism, cross-platform and compiles to byte-code.

AngelScript是学习编译器的一个很好的选择。这是一种具有C / C ++熟悉语法,垃圾收集的语言,它是面向对象的,具有继承和多态性,跨平台并编译为字节码。

My second choice would be Lua.




I would recommend, as a gentle introduction, having a look at the LLVM Tutorial.


Chris Lattner creates a simple toy language Kaleidoscope to show the various phases of compilation:

Chris Lattner创建了一个简单的玩具语言Kaleidoscope来展示编译的各个阶段:

He then demonstrates how to add JIT capabilities (essential for an interpreter).


The toy language is extremely simple, and thus the resulting code is simple as well, and demonstrates nicely the architecture without drowning you in implementation details.


I am not sure that the tutorial is fully up-to-date and can be used as is against a recent LLVM version, but I do advise at least reading it.


(And of course, reading the Dragon Book).




Take a look on V8 for JavaScript. Every interpeter has a component called tokenizer. GNU has one whose name is bison. Take on look on it too. It can be helpful. Chromium uses some tokenizer for interpreting html on the Webkit too, but V8 is the javascript interpreter.

看一下V8 for JavaScript。每个interpeter都有一个名为tokenizer的组件。 GNU有一个名字叫野牛。继续看看吧。它可能会有所帮助。 Chromium也使用一些tokenizer来解释Webkit上的html,但是V8是javascript解释器。

Claudio M. Souza Junior

Claudio M. Souza Junior



a famous language, but not simple (PHP Source Code). You can take advantage of the source code .


PHP Source Code




Take a look at lua, you can go through the firsts versions of the programming language and see how it has evolved. It's written in C and has a clean and nice code. You can write a compiler in almost every programming language, but C has been the one that most programmers chose.




The CPython interrupter has been around for quite some time and I would imagine that it would be very useful to you.




AngelScript is a very good option for learning about compilers. This is a language with C/C++ familiar syntax, garbage collection, it is object-oriented with inheritance and polymorphism, cross-platform and compiles to byte-code.

AngelScript是学习编译器的一个很好的选择。这是一种具有C / C ++熟悉语法,垃圾收集的语言,它是面向对象的,具有继承和多态性,跨平台并编译为字节码。

My second choice would be Lua.




I would recommend, as a gentle introduction, having a look at the LLVM Tutorial.


Chris Lattner creates a simple toy language Kaleidoscope to show the various phases of compilation:

Chris Lattner创建了一个简单的玩具语言Kaleidoscope来展示编译的各个阶段:

He then demonstrates how to add JIT capabilities (essential for an interpreter).


The toy language is extremely simple, and thus the resulting code is simple as well, and demonstrates nicely the architecture without drowning you in implementation details.


I am not sure that the tutorial is fully up-to-date and can be used as is against a recent LLVM version, but I do advise at least reading it.


(And of course, reading the Dragon Book).




Take a look on V8 for JavaScript. Every interpeter has a component called tokenizer. GNU has one whose name is bison. Take on look on it too. It can be helpful. Chromium uses some tokenizer for interpreting html on the Webkit too, but V8 is the javascript interpreter.

看一下V8 for JavaScript。每个interpeter都有一个名为tokenizer的组件。 GNU有一个名字叫野牛。继续看看吧。它可能会有所帮助。 Chromium也使用一些tokenizer来解释Webkit上的html,但是V8是javascript解释器。

Claudio M. Souza Junior

Claudio M. Souza Junior



a famous language, but not simple (PHP Source Code). You can take advantage of the source code .


PHP Source Code
