
时间:2023-01-13 23:15:50

I am new to angularjs and want to do the following in angularjs way



$scope.Filter = function($event, active, id) {
    html = "";
                    $http({method: 'GET', url: "someUrl.json"}).
                    success(function(data, status) {

                    html+="<p>Hey i am inside if block</p>";                    


         $http({method: 'GET', url: "someotherUrl.json"}).
                    success(function(data, status) {

                    html+="<p>Hey i am inside else block</p>";                  

Basically i have used angularjs controller, but i am doing the jquery way inside the controller by appending the json data to html. How do i display returned json data in angularjs way?


1 个解决方案



Any HTML manipulation should be omitted from controller code. If it has to be done in code, then use an Angular Directive.

控制器代码中应省略任何HTML操作。如果必须在代码中完成,则使用Angular Directive。

But in your case directive is not required. To angularize your example you should merely set a scope property (I've named it isActive) and rather provide correct HTML display in your markup because scope model is the communication between your Javascript controller code and your HTML view.



$scope.Filter = function($event, active, id) {
    if(active) {
            method: 'GET',
            url: "someUrl.json"
        .success(function(data, status) {
            // set $scope property
            $scope.isActive = true;
    else {
            method: 'GET',
            url: "someotherUrl.json"
        .success(function(data, status) {
            $scope.isActive = false;

This code can easily be made shorter and still do the same thing.


$scope.Filter = function($event, active, id) {
        method: "GET",
        url: active ? "someUrl.json" : "someotherUrl.json"
    .success(angular.bind(active, function(data, status) {
        $scope.isActive = this;


<div id="results-display" ng-switch="isActive">
    <p ng-switch-when="true">Hey i am inside if block</p>
    <p ng-switch-when="false">Hey i am inside else block</p>

If you don't use this div anywhere in the code, you can omit its ID attribute altogether because angular attributes will act accordingly.


More complex manipulation

In case this example is a simplified version of a more complex actual code (in case it's not just about being active or not) you can also set your text value in your controller and then bind to it in HTML. Nothing's wrong in doing this as long as values are strictly primitives and there is no HTML involved. Any other scope properties are also just primitives or objects of objects/primitives. They're all just data.


$scope.activityText = "Hey i am inside if block";

And then in HTML simply bind to this scope property


<div id="results-display">
    <p ng-bind="activityText"></p>

This means that whenever you change $scope.activityText value (be it in your .Filter function or anywhere else) it will reflect in your HTML accordingly.

这意味着无论何时更改$ scope.activityText值(无论是在.Filter函数中还是其他任何地方),它都会相应地反映在HTML中。

You could also use a different notation using {{}} but I prefer the ng-bind attribute as it doesn't require you to also put ng-cloak on the element to prevent unusual display before Angular kicks in.




Any HTML manipulation should be omitted from controller code. If it has to be done in code, then use an Angular Directive.

控制器代码中应省略任何HTML操作。如果必须在代码中完成,则使用Angular Directive。

But in your case directive is not required. To angularize your example you should merely set a scope property (I've named it isActive) and rather provide correct HTML display in your markup because scope model is the communication between your Javascript controller code and your HTML view.



$scope.Filter = function($event, active, id) {
    if(active) {
            method: 'GET',
            url: "someUrl.json"
        .success(function(data, status) {
            // set $scope property
            $scope.isActive = true;
    else {
            method: 'GET',
            url: "someotherUrl.json"
        .success(function(data, status) {
            $scope.isActive = false;

This code can easily be made shorter and still do the same thing.


$scope.Filter = function($event, active, id) {
        method: "GET",
        url: active ? "someUrl.json" : "someotherUrl.json"
    .success(angular.bind(active, function(data, status) {
        $scope.isActive = this;


<div id="results-display" ng-switch="isActive">
    <p ng-switch-when="true">Hey i am inside if block</p>
    <p ng-switch-when="false">Hey i am inside else block</p>

If you don't use this div anywhere in the code, you can omit its ID attribute altogether because angular attributes will act accordingly.


More complex manipulation

In case this example is a simplified version of a more complex actual code (in case it's not just about being active or not) you can also set your text value in your controller and then bind to it in HTML. Nothing's wrong in doing this as long as values are strictly primitives and there is no HTML involved. Any other scope properties are also just primitives or objects of objects/primitives. They're all just data.


$scope.activityText = "Hey i am inside if block";

And then in HTML simply bind to this scope property


<div id="results-display">
    <p ng-bind="activityText"></p>

This means that whenever you change $scope.activityText value (be it in your .Filter function or anywhere else) it will reflect in your HTML accordingly.

这意味着无论何时更改$ scope.activityText值(无论是在.Filter函数中还是其他任何地方),它都会相应地反映在HTML中。

You could also use a different notation using {{}} but I prefer the ng-bind attribute as it doesn't require you to also put ng-cloak on the element to prevent unusual display before Angular kicks in.
