
时间:2022-09-20 14:41:34

Using legacy code which uses mysql instead of mysqli/pdo so don't worry about this, I'll update the queries for this later.

使用使用mysql而不是mysqli / pdo的遗留代码所以不用担心这个问题,我稍后会更新这些查询。

Even though my current method works, I'm positive there is a cleaner way of doing this rather than a query and 3 subqueries. I mainly want to learn how to better enhance my queries and minimizing the amount of them.
What I'm trying to do is


  1. echo out all the data for each date with the date displayed on top
  2. 回显每个日期的所有数据,日期显示在顶部

  3. Display the count of entries for each user on that particular day next to the user
  4. 显示用户旁边该特定日期的每个用户的条目数

  5. For each date, at the bottom of the above 2 bits of data, display the user/s with the highest number of entries


    $query = mysql_query('SELECT * FROM entries GROUP BY DATE(dt)');
    $g = 0;
    while ($row = @mysql_fetch_array($query)) 
        $group[$g] = date('y-m-d', strtotime($row['dt']));
        echo $group[$g] . "<br />";
        //display the person's name for today with their count
        $dayquery = mysql_query('SELECT *, COUNT(username) as total FROM entries WHERE DATE(dt) = "'.$group[$g].'" GROUP BY username ORDER BY COUNT(username) DESC');
            while ($today = @mysql_fetch_array($dayquery)) 
                echo $today['first_name'] . " | " . $today['total'] . "<br />";
            //display the highest count for today
            $topquery = mysql_query('SELECT COUNT(username) as highest FROM entries WHERE DATE(dt) = "'.$group[$g].'" GROUP BY username ORDER BY COUNT(username) DESC LIMIT 1');
                while ($toptoday = @mysql_fetch_array($topquery)) 
                    echo "Highest today: " . $toptoday['highest'] . "<br /><br />" ;
                //display the users with the highest count for today
                echo "Highest users: ";
                $userstopquery = mysql_query('SELECT *, COUNT(username) as total FROM entries WHERE DATE(dt) = "'.$group[$g].'" AND COUNT(username) = "' . $toptoday['highest'] . '" AND GROUP BY username');
                    while ($topusers = @mysql_fetch_array($userstopquery)) 
                         echo $topusers['first_name'] . "<br />" ;

The trouble I'm having is that when I try and reduce these subqueries and use MAX it will only output the highest count but not all the data for each date, which is what I need, including output of the user/s with the most amount of entries for that given day.


1 个解决方案


You could start with something like this. Note that I'm not using PHP's mysql_ API as it was deprecated 3 or 4 years ago...

你可以从这样的事情开始。请注意,我没有使用PHP的mysql_ API,因为它在3年或4年前被弃用了......


$array = array();

$query = "
     , e.username
     , COUNT(*) ttl
  FROM entries e
    BY e.dt
     , e.username
    BY e.dt, ttl DESC;

$result = mysqli_query($conn,$query);

while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) 
            $array[] = $row;



You could start with something like this. Note that I'm not using PHP's mysql_ API as it was deprecated 3 or 4 years ago...

你可以从这样的事情开始。请注意,我没有使用PHP的mysql_ API,因为它在3年或4年前被弃用了......


$array = array();

$query = "
     , e.username
     , COUNT(*) ttl
  FROM entries e
    BY e.dt
     , e.username
    BY e.dt, ttl DESC;

$result = mysqli_query($conn,$query);

while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) 
            $array[] = $row;
