使用哪个演员;static_cast还是reinterpret_cast ?

时间:2022-09-11 12:11:10
int i = 1000;
void *p = &i;

int *x = static_cast<int*>(p);
int *y = reinterpret_cast<int*>(p);

which cast should be used to convert from void* to int* and why?


4 个解决方案



static_cast provided that you know (by design of your program) that the thing pointed to really is an int.


static_cast is designed to reverse any implicit conversion. You converted to void* implicitly, therefore you can (and should) convert back with static_cast if you know that you really are just reversing an earlier conversion.


With that assumption, nothing is being reinterpreted - void is an incomplete type, meaning that it has no values, so at no point are you interpreting either a stored int value "as void" or a stored "void value" as int. void* is just an ugly way of saying, "I don't know the type, but I'm going to pass the pointer on to someone else who does".

假设,没有被重新解释,空是一个不完整的类型,也就是说,它没有价值,所以在没有意义你解释存储int值“无效”或存储“空值”int. void *只是一个丑陋的说法,“我不知道类型,但我要将指针传递给别人的人”。

reinterpret_cast if you've omitted details that mean you might actually be reading memory using a type other than the type is was written with, and be aware that your code will have limited portability.


By the way, there are not very many good reasons for using a void* pointer in this way in C++. C-style callback interfaces can often be replaced with either a template function (for anything that resembles the standard function qsort) or a virtual interface (for anything that resembles a registered listener). If your C++ code is using some C API then of course you don't have much choice.

顺便说一下,在c++中使用void*指针的理由并不多。c风格的回调接口通常可以用模板函数(任何类似于标准函数qsort的东西)或虚拟接口(任何类似于注册侦听器的东西)来替换。如果您的c++代码使用了一些C API,那么当然您没有太多的选择。



In current C++, you can't use reinterpret_cast like in that code. For a conversion of void* to int* you can only use static_cast (or the equivalent C-style cast).


For a conversion between different function type pointers or between different object type pointers you need to use reinterpret_cast.


In C++0x, reinterpret_cast<int*>(p) will be equivalent to static_cast<int*>(p). It's probably incorporated in one of the next WPs.

在c++ 0x中,reinterpret_cast (p)等于static_cast (p)。它可能被合并到下一个WPs中。 *> *>

It's a misconception that reinterpret_cast<T*>(p) would interpret the bits of p as if they were representing a T*. In that case it will read the value of p using p's type, and that value is then converted to a T*. An actual type-pun that directly reads the bits of p using the representation of type T* only happens when you cast to a reference type, as in reinterpret_cast<T*&>(p).

这是一种误解,认为reviewt_cast (p)将会解释p的比特,就好像它们代表的是T*一样。在这种情况下,它将使用p的类型读取p的值,然后将该值转换为T*。使用类型T*的表示直接读取p的位的实际类型-pun只有在您将其转换为引用类型时才会发生,如reinterpret_cast (p)。 *&> *>

As far as I know, all current compilers allow to reinterpret_cast from void* and behave equivalent to the corresponding static_cast, even though it is not allowed in current C++03. The amount of code broken when it's rejected will be no fun, so there is no motivation for them to forbid it.

据我所知,所有当前的编译器都允许从void*重新解释t_cast,并使其行为等效于相应的static_cast,尽管在当前c++ 03中不允许这样做。当代码被拒绝时,会有大量的代码被破坏,这并不是什么有趣的事情,所以他们没有理由禁止它。



When should static_cast, dynamic_cast, const_cast and reinterpret_cast be used? gives some good details.

什么时候应该使用static_cast、dynamic_cast、const_cast和reinterpret_cast ?给一些好的细节。



From the semantics of your problem, I'd go with reinterpret, because that's what you actually do.




static_cast provided that you know (by design of your program) that the thing pointed to really is an int.


static_cast is designed to reverse any implicit conversion. You converted to void* implicitly, therefore you can (and should) convert back with static_cast if you know that you really are just reversing an earlier conversion.


With that assumption, nothing is being reinterpreted - void is an incomplete type, meaning that it has no values, so at no point are you interpreting either a stored int value "as void" or a stored "void value" as int. void* is just an ugly way of saying, "I don't know the type, but I'm going to pass the pointer on to someone else who does".

假设,没有被重新解释,空是一个不完整的类型,也就是说,它没有价值,所以在没有意义你解释存储int值“无效”或存储“空值”int. void *只是一个丑陋的说法,“我不知道类型,但我要将指针传递给别人的人”。

reinterpret_cast if you've omitted details that mean you might actually be reading memory using a type other than the type is was written with, and be aware that your code will have limited portability.


By the way, there are not very many good reasons for using a void* pointer in this way in C++. C-style callback interfaces can often be replaced with either a template function (for anything that resembles the standard function qsort) or a virtual interface (for anything that resembles a registered listener). If your C++ code is using some C API then of course you don't have much choice.

顺便说一下,在c++中使用void*指针的理由并不多。c风格的回调接口通常可以用模板函数(任何类似于标准函数qsort的东西)或虚拟接口(任何类似于注册侦听器的东西)来替换。如果您的c++代码使用了一些C API,那么当然您没有太多的选择。



In current C++, you can't use reinterpret_cast like in that code. For a conversion of void* to int* you can only use static_cast (or the equivalent C-style cast).


For a conversion between different function type pointers or between different object type pointers you need to use reinterpret_cast.


In C++0x, reinterpret_cast<int*>(p) will be equivalent to static_cast<int*>(p). It's probably incorporated in one of the next WPs.

在c++ 0x中,reinterpret_cast (p)等于static_cast (p)。它可能被合并到下一个WPs中。 *> *>

It's a misconception that reinterpret_cast<T*>(p) would interpret the bits of p as if they were representing a T*. In that case it will read the value of p using p's type, and that value is then converted to a T*. An actual type-pun that directly reads the bits of p using the representation of type T* only happens when you cast to a reference type, as in reinterpret_cast<T*&>(p).

这是一种误解,认为reviewt_cast (p)将会解释p的比特,就好像它们代表的是T*一样。在这种情况下,它将使用p的类型读取p的值,然后将该值转换为T*。使用类型T*的表示直接读取p的位的实际类型-pun只有在您将其转换为引用类型时才会发生,如reinterpret_cast (p)。 *&> *>

As far as I know, all current compilers allow to reinterpret_cast from void* and behave equivalent to the corresponding static_cast, even though it is not allowed in current C++03. The amount of code broken when it's rejected will be no fun, so there is no motivation for them to forbid it.

据我所知,所有当前的编译器都允许从void*重新解释t_cast,并使其行为等效于相应的static_cast,尽管在当前c++ 03中不允许这样做。当代码被拒绝时,会有大量的代码被破坏,这并不是什么有趣的事情,所以他们没有理由禁止它。



When should static_cast, dynamic_cast, const_cast and reinterpret_cast be used? gives some good details.

什么时候应该使用static_cast、dynamic_cast、const_cast和reinterpret_cast ?给一些好的细节。



From the semantics of your problem, I'd go with reinterpret, because that's what you actually do.
