C++ type casting. When will static_cast succeed and reinterpret_cast will cause an issue?

时间:2022-09-11 12:11:16

I understand that a static_cast is a cast from one type to another that (intuitively) is a cast that could under some circumstance succeed and be meaningful in the absence of a dangerous cast. Meanwhile, a reinterpret_cast is a cast that represents an unsafe conversion that might reinterpret the bits of one value as the bits of another value.


Can someone describe a scenario when the code will compile, cast and static_cast will cause no issue, but with reinterpret_cast there will be an issue?


3 个解决方案



This will do it:


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

struct C{int n;};
struct A{int n;};
struct B : A, C{};

int main()
    B b;
    B* pb = &b;
    cout << static_cast<C*>(pb) << "\n";
    cout << reinterpret_cast<C*>(pb);

Note the differences in the two addresses.


I've built some multiple inheritance here, and have put an explicit member in the base classes, in order to circumvent possible optimisation of empty base classes to size zero.


See https://ideone.com/QLvBku




The simplest such case is reinterpret_cast<void*>(NULL), which may yield a non-null pointer.

最简单的情况是reinterpret_cast (NULL),这可能会产生非空指针。

By contrast, static_cast<void*>(NULL) is safe because it is required to yield a null pointer.

相比之下,static_cast (NULL)是安全的,因为它需要产生空指针。

Why? NULL is an integer constant equal to 0. static_cast requires that 0 be converted to an appropriate null pointer, but reinterpret_cast does not have this same requirement. If the internal representation of a null pointer isn't the same as that of integer zero, then the results will be different. This type of breakage would be most likely on architectures with segmented addressing.

为什么? NULL是一个等于0的整数常量.static_cast要求将0转换为适当的空指针,但reinterpret_cast不具有相同的要求。如果空指针的内部表示与整数零的内部表示不同,则结果将不同。这种类型的破坏最有可能发生在具有分段寻址的架构上。



One of such cases is multiple inheritance - static_cast does adjustment of the address (so the address of the base object pointer after the cast can be different from the derived object address, to point to the correct base class items).

其中一种情况是多重继承 - static_cast会调整地址(因此,强制转换后基础对象指针的地址可以与派生对象地址不同,以指向正确的基类项)。

reinterpret_cast does not do any address adjustments, so the cast to base class might use a wrong address (i.e. always returns the address of the derived object unchanged).




This will do it:


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

struct C{int n;};
struct A{int n;};
struct B : A, C{};

int main()
    B b;
    B* pb = &b;
    cout << static_cast<C*>(pb) << "\n";
    cout << reinterpret_cast<C*>(pb);

Note the differences in the two addresses.


I've built some multiple inheritance here, and have put an explicit member in the base classes, in order to circumvent possible optimisation of empty base classes to size zero.


See https://ideone.com/QLvBku




The simplest such case is reinterpret_cast<void*>(NULL), which may yield a non-null pointer.

最简单的情况是reinterpret_cast (NULL),这可能会产生非空指针。

By contrast, static_cast<void*>(NULL) is safe because it is required to yield a null pointer.

相比之下,static_cast (NULL)是安全的,因为它需要产生空指针。

Why? NULL is an integer constant equal to 0. static_cast requires that 0 be converted to an appropriate null pointer, but reinterpret_cast does not have this same requirement. If the internal representation of a null pointer isn't the same as that of integer zero, then the results will be different. This type of breakage would be most likely on architectures with segmented addressing.

为什么? NULL是一个等于0的整数常量.static_cast要求将0转换为适当的空指针,但reinterpret_cast不具有相同的要求。如果空指针的内部表示与整数零的内部表示不同,则结果将不同。这种类型的破坏最有可能发生在具有分段寻址的架构上。



One of such cases is multiple inheritance - static_cast does adjustment of the address (so the address of the base object pointer after the cast can be different from the derived object address, to point to the correct base class items).

其中一种情况是多重继承 - static_cast会调整地址(因此,强制转换后基础对象指针的地址可以与派生对象地址不同,以指向正确的基类项)。

reinterpret_cast does not do any address adjustments, so the cast to base class might use a wrong address (i.e. always returns the address of the derived object unchanged).
