Amazon AWS Elastic Beanstalk NodeJS应用程序

时间:2022-06-08 12:06:54

I have created a NodeJS app in Amazon AWS Elastic Beanstalk. Everytime I deploy the app I get following error (in logs):

我在Amazon AWS Elastic Beanstalk中创建了一个NodeJS应用程序。每次我部署应用程序时都会出现以下错误(在日志中):

2016-09-06T15:56:48.332Z] INFO  [17369] : Command processor returning results: 
{"status":"FAILURE","api_version":"1.0","results":[{"status":"FAILURE","msg":"/bin/sh: npm: command not found. \ncontainer_command 01-install-dependencies in .ebextensions/install.config failed. For more detail, check /var/log/eb-activity.log using console or EB CLI","returncode":127,"events":[]}]}

Any idea what must be causing it?


1 个解决方案



When deploying a NodeJS application to elastic beanstalk npm install is run automatically for you. You haven't posted the contents of your 01-install-dependencies but guessing from the name and the error message that script runs npm install.

将NodeJS应用程序部署到弹性beanstalk时,将自动为您运行npm install。您尚未发布01-install-dependencies的内容,但是从脚本运行npm install的名称和错误消息中猜测。

I did some investigation a while back into which npm scripts are automatically run by elastic beanstalk - npm scripts on elastic beanstalk

我做了一些调查,回过头来看看哪些npm脚本是由弹性beanstalk自动运行的 - 弹性beanstalk上的npm脚本



When deploying a NodeJS application to elastic beanstalk npm install is run automatically for you. You haven't posted the contents of your 01-install-dependencies but guessing from the name and the error message that script runs npm install.

将NodeJS应用程序部署到弹性beanstalk时,将自动为您运行npm install。您尚未发布01-install-dependencies的内容,但是从脚本运行npm install的名称和错误消息中猜测。

I did some investigation a while back into which npm scripts are automatically run by elastic beanstalk - npm scripts on elastic beanstalk

我做了一些调查,回过头来看看哪些npm脚本是由弹性beanstalk自动运行的 - 弹性beanstalk上的npm脚本