如何在AWS Elastic Beanstalk上强制应用程序版本

时间:2022-08-25 09:28:07

I'm trying to deploy a new version of my Python/Django application using eb deploy.

我正在尝试使用eb deploy部署新版本的Python / Django应用程序。

It unfortunately fails due to unexpected version of the application. The problem is that somehow eb deploy screwed up the version and I don't know how to override it. The application I upload is working fine, only the version number is not correct, hence, Elastic Beanstalk marks it as Degraded.

遗憾的是,由于应用程序的意外版本而失败。问题是某种方式eb部署搞砸了版本,我不知道如何覆盖它。我上传的应用程序工作正常,只有版本号不正确,因此,Elastic Beanstalk将其标记为Degraded。

When executing eb deploy, I get this error:

执行eb deploy时,我收到此错误:

"Incorrect application version "app-cca6-160820_155843" (deployment 161). Expected version "app-598b-160820_152351" (deployment 159). "


The same says in the health status at AWS Console.

在AWS Console的健康状态中也是如此。

So, my question is the following: How can I force Elastic Beanstalk to make the uploaded application version the current one so it doesn't complain?

所以,我的问题如下:我如何强制Elastic Beanstalk使上传的应用程序版本成为当前版本,以便它不会抱怨?

1 个解决方案



I've realised that the problem was that Elastic Beanstalk, for some reasons, kept the unsuccessfully deployed versions under .elasticbeanstalk. The solution, at least in my case, was to remove those temporal (or whatever you call them) versions of the application.

我已经意识到问题在于,由于某些原因,Elastic Beanstalk将未成功部署的版本保存在.elasticbeanstalk下。至少在我的情况下,解决方案是删除应用程序的那些时态(或任何你称之为)的版本。



I've realised that the problem was that Elastic Beanstalk, for some reasons, kept the unsuccessfully deployed versions under .elasticbeanstalk. The solution, at least in my case, was to remove those temporal (or whatever you call them) versions of the application.

我已经意识到问题在于,由于某些原因,Elastic Beanstalk将未成功部署的版本保存在.elasticbeanstalk下。至少在我的情况下,解决方案是删除应用程序的那些时态(或任何你称之为)的版本。