
时间:2022-06-19 06:24:01

I have a long complicated home page where a company is shown, for each project, information about recent events. The idea is that they have a kind of data-heavy information center from which they can monitor all activity.


I've had trouble getting this page to perform well - two days ago local load times were 4.5s(!) and they are currently at ~2.5s(!). The most alarming part about this horrible performance is that these are the load times with only 3 projects and practically no events. Performance on the live app is slightly better, but not nearly enough.

我很难让这个页面表现良好 - 两天前本地加载时间是4.5秒(!),它们目前处于~2.5秒(!)。关于这种糟糕表现的最令人震惊的部分是,这些只是3个项目的加载时间,几乎没有任何事件。实时应用程序的性能略好一些,但还不够。

Purpose: Improve load time on home page

Here are the current queries.


# controller
@projects = @company.projects.order("project_title ASC").includes({:events => :owner}).search(params[:search], params[:page])

# view
@projects.each do |project|
  @events = project.events.where(:active => true).includes(:owner).order("priority DESC")

Removing the .where(:active => true).includes(:owner).order("priority DESC") is shaving off 1.1 seconds on an app with only 3 projects and 4 events in total.

删除.where(:active => true).includes(:owner).order(“priority DESC”)在一个只有3个项目和4个事件的应用程序上削减了1.1秒。

How should these queries be written optimally? Should indexing play a role in this case?


I've been playing around with database indexes for the looped query in the view but I haven't gotten one to cut down the time yet.


1 个解决方案



Your .includes(:events => :owners) is not doing what you think, as when you call .where on events later you have to retrieve from the data base again.

您的.includes(:events =>:所有者)没有按照您的想法进行操作,就像您调用。之后的事件,您必须再次从数据库中检索。

Also, if your search method is using the events and owners table you may want to used .joins() instead of .includes().


I would make sure you have indexes on every foreign key (xxx_id) and on events active.


I would also give this a shot (not sure if it works, may need some tweaking):


class Project < AR::Base
  has_many :events
  has_many :active_events,
    :class_name => 'Event',
    :conditions => {:active => true},
    :order => "events.priority DESC"
    :include => :owner

#in controller:
@projects = @company.projects.order("project_title ASC").includes(:active_events).search(...)

#in view: (abstract this to a render collection method if possible)
@project.each do |project|
  @events = project.active_events



Your .includes(:events => :owners) is not doing what you think, as when you call .where on events later you have to retrieve from the data base again.

您的.includes(:events =>:所有者)没有按照您的想法进行操作,就像您调用。之后的事件,您必须再次从数据库中检索。

Also, if your search method is using the events and owners table you may want to used .joins() instead of .includes().


I would make sure you have indexes on every foreign key (xxx_id) and on events active.


I would also give this a shot (not sure if it works, may need some tweaking):


class Project < AR::Base
  has_many :events
  has_many :active_events,
    :class_name => 'Event',
    :conditions => {:active => true},
    :order => "events.priority DESC"
    :include => :owner

#in controller:
@projects = @company.projects.order("project_title ASC").includes(:active_events).search(...)

#in view: (abstract this to a render collection method if possible)
@project.each do |project|
  @events = project.active_events