文件名称:DisUnity v0.2.1 Unity3D资源提取
更新时间:2017-03-02 07:15:23
DisUnity v0.2.1 提取.assets .unity3d 文本 音频 字体 纹理图片 shader脚本等 不可用于非法破解他人资源,不可用于商业目的,仅供学习研究为目的!任何责任与上传者无关! 需JVM!!! 帮助: I've been working on an asset extraction tool for Unity-based games, since I needed such a tool for two Unity games I have. Moreover, the game engine has become very popular, so the unpacker should theoretically work with thousands of different games. Right now, it supports text, audio clips, most textures (including movie textures), fonts and substances from Unity versions ranging from 2.6 to 4.2. Support for static meshes is also planned, but will be added later, due to the complexity of the mesh data. There's no GUI for the tool yet, since it's still in an early experimental stage. So if you want to use it, you should have at least basic knowledge with the command line interface. :wink: Both source code and compiled builds are available on GitHub here. It is written in Java, so you'll also need to install the Java VM. For a quick start, you can use DisUnity like this: Code: disunity "resources.assets" (also works with .unity3d files) which is equivalent to: Code: disunity -c extract "resources.assets" If that doesn't work, try this: Code: java -jar disunity.jar "resources.assets" The files should then appear in a subfolder with the same name as the file. You can also try to play with the other parameters and commands that are listed with the -h parameter, but I think most normal people won't need these right now.