Beginning Oracle SQL

时间:2013-02-21 15:20:54
文件名称:Beginning Oracle SQL
更新时间:2013-02-21 15:20:54
Oracle SQL 作者:Lex de Haan, Tim Gorman, Karen Morton, Daniel Fink, Inger Jorgensen 出版日期:December 21, 2009 出版社:Apress 页数:459 ISBN:ISBN-10: 1430271973 ISBN-13: 978-1430271970 文件格式:PDF 文件大小:6.44 MB Beginning Oracle SQL is your introduction to the interactive query tools and specific dialect of SQL used with Oracle Database. The book is a revision of the classic Mastering Oracle SQL and SQL*Plus by Lex de Haan, and has been updated to cover the very latest developments in Oracle’s version of the SQL query language. Written in an easygoing and example-based style, Beginning Oracle SQL is the book that will get you started down the path to successfully writing SQL statements and getting results from Oracle Database. Takes an example-based approach, with clear and authoritative explanations Introduces both SQL and the query tools used to execute SQL statements Shows how to create tables, populate them with data, and then query that data to generate business results What you’ll learn Create database tables and define their relationships Add data to your tables; change and delete that data Write database queries that generate accurate results Avoid common traps and pitfalls in writing SQL queries Take advantage of advanced Oracle SQL features such as support for hierarchical queries, analytic and window functions, flashback to a given point in time, and more Get a handle on Oracle Database’s support for object types in the database Who is this book for? This book is aimed at developers and database administrators who must write SQL statements to execute against an Oracle database. No prior knowledge of SQL is assumed.


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  • 非常清楚,很好的入门书
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  • 挺好的,就是英文要翻译有点难
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  • 不错不错 很好的学习资料
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