
时间:2021-04-01 09:05:28
更新时间:2021-04-01 09:05:28
JavaScript React Node Today, JavaScript is taking the world by storm. Having logic shared between your JavaScript frontend and backend makes your application simple to reason about and maintain. Use the techniques covered in this book to take your JavaScript application to the next level. What this book covers Chapter 1, Getting Started with Isomorphic Web Apps, describes what isomorphic apps are and how they differ from the conventional SPAs that are around. They will understand the main challenges that developers might face while building isomorphic apps. Once the intro is done, they will get their hands dirty by setting up the development environment in order to start creating their isomorphic application. Chapter 2, Creating a Web UI with React, describes how to start with building a web UI by using idiomatic JavaScript and React. They will begin creating components for the application and will learn how to organize the flow of data between the components for effective development. Chapter 3, Working with CSS and Media Assets, describes how to style their UI components and bundle CSS and graphics into them. They will learn to effectively configure Webpack to bundle their assets. Chapter 4, Working with Browsersync and Hot Module Replacement, describes how you can configure server-side rendering for your app, effectively optimizing your website for search engines (SEO) and improving the initial page load time. Chapter 5, Creating a GraphQL Server, describes how to implement a GrapgQL server, based on Node, Express, and SQL. They will understand how it works in relation to the traditional RESTful API structure. They will learn to receive, validate, and modify data on the server. Chapter 6, Fetching Data with Relay, explains how to effectively use Relay to query and fetch application data, and how to make it work with the application router. Chapter 7, Implementing Routing and Navigation, describes how you can implement routing and navigation from scratch, and also how to integrate an existing library to fit into your isomorphic web app. Preface Chapter 8, Authentication and Authorization, gets into the intricacies of securing the application. Readers will learn how to implement a token-based authentication and access control for an isomorphic application. Chapter 9, Testing and Deploying Your App, explains how to configure unit and integration tests. It also contains a few recipes on how to deploy your app to a cloud hosting service.
