taghistory:用于标记浏览历史并导出的 chrome 扩展

时间:2021-06-24 08:07:13
文件名称:taghistory:用于标记浏览历史并导出的 chrome 扩展
更新时间:2021-06-24 08:07:13
JavaScript 标签历史 用于标记浏览历史并导出到 Evernote 的 chrome 扩展。 介绍 你有以下经历吗? - You want to revisit an interesting website that you came across before; However, you couldn't remember its address. Have you ever wondered what you in - You have spent a whole day on the web without don't any thing. You feel guilty when you go to bed. 如果您记下自己的浏览历史记录,就可以避免这些情况! 我们应该向斯蒂芬沃尔夫拉姆学习,成为一个更有效率和更有组织的人。 阅读他的博客。 此 chrome 扩展程序旨在帮助
