更新时间:2015-12-26 10:44:00
MDK STM32F107 Helloworld 源码
1. STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Driver V3.6.1库 2. Source Insight + MDK 4.12 环境 3. Usart1 已打通并带有基本协议,可实现收/发字符串 4. 独特的debug函数:在ANSI兼容终端(例如 超级终端、PuTTY等)里彩色显示Warning和Error信息 5. 在STM32F107VCT6最小系统板上调试OK,解压即可用于项目 Core: ARM 32-bit Cortex-M3 Microcontroller, CPU clock up to 72MHz Memories: 256kB Embedded Flash 64kB Embedded SRAM Specific Features: - USB 2.0 Full Speed Device/Host/OTG Controller with on-chip PHY - 10/100 Ethernet MAC with dedicated DMA and SRAM - 12-channel DMA controller - 2 * CAN Interface (2.0B Active) - 2 * 12-bit ADC (16-channel) - 2 * 12-bit DAC - 2 * I2C - 5 * UART - 3 * SPI - 80 GPIO pins Common Features: PLL, Embedded Internal RC 8MHz and 32kHz, Real-Time Clock, Nested Interrupt Controller, Power Saving Modes, JTAG and SWD, four 16-bit Timers with Input Capture, Output Compare and PWM or Pulse Counter and Quadrature Encoder Input, 16-bit Motor Control PWM, two Watchdog Timers, SysTick Timer, two 16-bit Basic Timers for DAC, CRC Calculation Unit (96-bit unique ID)