
时间:2016-10-14 16:37:02
更新时间:2016-10-14 16:37:02
订票 航空 系统 A simple airline ticket reservation program A simple airline ticket reservation program should display a menu with the following options: reserve a ticket, cancel a reservation, check whether a ticket is reserved for a particular person, and display the passengers. The information is maintained on an alphabetized linked list of names. In a simpler version of the program, assume that tickets are reserved for only one flight. In a fuller version, place no limit on the number of the flights. Create a linked list of flights with each node including a pointer to a linked list of passengers.


  • 启发了我的思维,挺好的
  • 还不错,可以借鉴一下
  • 很好 ...深受启发,符合要求。不错
  • 下错了,我想要的是JAVA版的,不过这个可以运行
  • 对我的思路很有启发,如果能连接到数据库就更强大了
  • 很好很强大、测试通过了