Field II 超声模拟系统 JAJ 开发

时间:2014-12-13 11:16:05
文件名称:Field II 超声模拟系统 JAJ 开发
更新时间:2014-12-13 11:16:05
ultrasound bioengineering matlab matlab 版 超声模拟系统 field II, JAJ 开发。 The Field program system uses the concept of spatial impulse responses as developed by Tupholme and Stepanishen in a series of papers [1, 2, 3]. The approach relies on linear systems theory to find the ultrasound field for both the pulsed and continuous wave case. This is done through the spatial impulse response. This response gives the emitted ultrasound field at a specific point in space as function of time, when the transducer is excitated by a Dirac delta function. The field for any kind of excitation can then be found by just convolving the spatial impulse response with the excitation function. The impulse response will vary as a function of position relative to the transducer, hence the name spatial impulse response. The received response from a small oscillating sphere can be found by acoustic reciprocity. The spatial impulse response equals the received response for a spherical wave emitted by a point. The total received response in pulse-echo can, thus, be found by convolving the transducer excitation function with the spatial impulse response of the emitting aperture, with the spatial impulse response of the receiving aperture, and then taking into account the electro-mechanical transfer function of the transducer to yield the received voltage trace. An explanation and rigorous proof of this can be found in [4] and [5]. Any excitation can be used, since linear systems theory is used. The result for the continuous wave case is found by Fourier transforming the spatial impulse response for the given frequency. The approach taken here can, thus, yield all the diffent commenly found ultrasound fields for linear propagation.


  • 虽然有点老,但是基本功能都有,基本够用。
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  • 版本有些老了,不过还是很有帮助的!