文件名称:[Jensen, John R] Remote sensing of the environment
更新时间:2022-02-11 08:16:31
RS 遥感图像 经典教材 外语教材 遥感原理
1. Remote Sensing of the Environment John R. Jensen 1 2. Electromagnetic Radiation Principles John R. Jensen 39 3. Aerial Photography – Vantage Point, Cameras, Filters, and Film John R. Jensen 65 4. Elements of Visual Image Interpretation John R. Jensen 105 5. Photogrammetry John R. Jensen 129 6. Multispectral Remote Sensing Systems John R. Jensen 177 7. Thermal Infrared Remote Sensing John R. Jensen 243 8. Active and Passive Microwave Remote Sensing John R. Jensen 287 9. LIDAR Remote Sensing John R. Jensen 337 10. Remote Sensing of Vegetation John R. Jensen 357 11. Remote Sensing of Water John R. Jensen 417 12. Remote Sensing of Soils, Minerals, and Geomorphology John R. Jensen 457 13. Remote Sensing the Urban Landscape John R. Jensen 525 14. In Situ Spectral Reflectance Measurement John R. Jensen 591 Appendix—Sources of Remote Sensing Information John R. Jensen 601 Index 605