
时间:2011-12-03 10:23:51
更新时间:2011-12-03 10:23:51
IEC61970 电力系统能量管理系统的IEC通信标准: This standard is one of the IEC 61970 series which define application program interfaces (APIs) for an energy management system (EMS). This standard is based upon the work of the EPRI Control Center API (CCAPI) research project (RP-3654-1). The principle objectives of the EPRI CCAPI project are to: • Reduce the cost and time needed to add new applications to an EMS. • Protect the investment in existing applications that are working effectively in an EMS. • Provide an integration framework for interfacing existing systems to an EMS.
----IEC 61970-1 draft R6.doc(331KB)
----IEC 61970-303 CIM draft R0.doc(473KB)
----IEC 61970-5xx CimXmlModelExchangeFormatRev0.doc(131KB)
----IEC 61970-2 R2.doc(63KB)
----IEC 61970-501 CIM Schema R2.doc(260KB)
----IEC 61970-302.X1.doc(349KB)
----~$C 61970-301-1 CIM draft R5.X2.doc(162B)
----IEC 61970-401 CIS Level 1 draft 3.doc(461KB)
----IEC 61970-402 CDA CIS Level 1 rev3.doc(467KB)
----IEC 61970-301-1 CIM draft R5.X2.doc(1.48MB)


  • 还可以,都是英文修订版的,可以参考看
  • 英文版的,不是太实用
  • 是一个修订稿版的,不是现在最新版本的,而且不是最全的,不过仍要谢谢ydong3435,辛苦了。