
时间:2012-10-04 07:42:49
更新时间:2012-10-04 07:42:49
CrystalReport JSP This document contains a series of tutorials that demonstrates how to use the Crystal Reports Java Viewer SDK provided with Borland® JBuilder X. The tutorials assume that you are familiar with JSP programming. Since each tutorial builds on the previous ones, it is recommended that you work through the series sequentially. The first tutorial shows you how to create a report source programmatically. A report source is an object that represents a single instance of a report. You must be able to create a report source before you can a) use the viewer to embed a Crystal Report inside your JSP page, or b) use the export control to export a Crystal Report to a variety of file formats – including PDF and RTF. The remaining tutorials then show you how to use the report source in conjunction with the export control and the viewer.
