更新时间:2023-06-13 11:21:30
ROCKEY4 Ultilities dotNetEnveloper The .NET application enveloper tool. The tool can protect .NET Framework 1.1 and .NET Framework 2.0 programs. If the original program is protected by Strong Name and the anti-editing function is enabled, the enveloper tool cannot protect such program Editor The editor tool can edit the ROCKEY4ND dongle content. The detailed user guide is in the ROCKEY4ND Manual Enveloper The PE32 application enveloper tool. The tool can encrypt standard PE32 structure application. Both GUI and command line interface are supported FlashEnv The Flash media enveloper tool. The tool can encrypt Flash media. The encrypted Flash can only be played by using encrypted Flash player or using IE installed ROCKEY ActiveX component. Both the player converter and IE ActiveX component are provided FoxEnv The FoxPro application enveloper tool. The tool can encrypt ForPro applications Remote The remote update tool which allow developer update client's dongle content remotely