Geodetic Toolbox

时间:2021-07-01 04:31:44

文件名称:Geodetic Toolbox



更新时间:2021-07-01 04:31:44

gps matlab 代码 geodetic

A collection of geodetic functions that solve a variety of problems in geodesy. Supports a wide range of common and user-defined reference ellipsoids. Most functions are vectorized. Most recent version can be found at . Functions include: Angle Conversions deg2rad - Degrees to radians dms2deg - Degrees,minutes,seconds to degrees dms2rad - Degrees,minutes,seconds to radians rad2deg - Radians to degrees rad2dms - Radians to degrees,minutes,seconds rad2sec - Radians to seconds sec2rad - Seconds to radians Coordinate Conversions ell2utm - Ellipsoidal (lat,long) to UTM (N,E) coordinates ell2xyz - Ellipsoidal (lat,long) to Cartesian (x,y,z) coodinates sph2xyz - Shperical (az,va,dist) to Cartesian (x,y,z) coordinates xyz2sph - Cartesian (x,y,z) to spherical (az,va,dist) coordinates xyz2ell - Cartesian (x,y,z) to ellipsoidal (lat,long,ht) coordinates xyz2ell2 - xyz2ell with Bowring height formula xyz2ell3 - xyz2ell using complete Bowring version utm2ell - UTM (N,E) to ellipsoidal (lat,long) coordinates Coordinate Transformations refell - Reference ellipsoid definition ellradii - Various radii of curvature ct2lg - Conventional terrestrial (ECEF) to local geodetic (NEU) dg2lg - Differences in Geodetic (lat,lon) to local geodetic (NEU) cct2clg - Conventional terrestrial to local geodetic cov. matrix clg2cct - Local geodetic to conventional terrestrial cov. matrix rotct2lg - Rotation matrix for conventional terrestrial to local geod. rotlg2ct - Rotation matrix for local geod. to conventional terrestrial lg2ct - Local geodetic (NEU) to conventional terrestrial (ECEF) lg2dg - Local geodetic (NEU) to differences in geodetic (lat,lon) direct - Direct geodetic problem (X1,Y1,Z1 + Az,VA,Dist to X2,Y2,Z2) inverse - Inverse geodetic problem (X1,Y1,Z1 + X2,Y2,Z2 to Az,VA,Dist) simil - Similarity transformation (translation,rotation,scale change) Date Conversions cal2jd - Calendar date to Julian date dates - Converts between different date formats doy2jd - Year and day of year to Julian date gps2jd - GPS week & seconds of week to Julian date jd2cal - Julian date to calenar date jd2dow - Julian date to day of week jd2doy - Julian date to year & day of year jd2gps - Julian date to GPS week & seconds of week jd2mjd - Julian date to Modified Julian date jd2yr - Julian date to year & decimal year mjd2jd - Modified Julian date to Julian date yr2jd - Year & decimal year to Julian date Error Ellipses errell2 - Computes error ellipse semi-axes and azimuth errell3 - Computes error ellipsoid semi-axes, azimuths, inclinations plterrel - Plots error ellipse for covariance matrix Miscellaneous cart2euler- Converts Cartesian coordinate rotations to Euler pole rotation euler2cart- Converts Euler pole rotation to Cartesian coordinate rotations findfixed - Finds fixed station based on 3D covariance matrix pltnet - Plots network of points with labels Example Scripts DirInv - Simple partial GUI script for direct and inverse problems DirProb - Example of direct problem Dist3D - Example to compute incremental 3D distances between points. InvProb - Example of inverse problem PltNetEl - Example plot of network error ellipses ToUTM - Example of conversion from latitude,longitude to UTM

