文件名称:IEEE Std 802.3™-2008(Revision of IEEE Std 802.3-2005)Section 2
更新时间:2012-06-15 10:43:08
IEEE Std 802.3 2008 MAC
IEEE802.3最新版本(原版) 就最后Section 5给1分就好,谢谢^_^下了一定要看哟 (Revision of IEEE Std 802.3-2005) Section Two—Includes Clause 21 through Clause 33 and Annex 22A through Annex 33E. Section Two includes management attributes for multiple protocols and speed of operation as well as specifications for providing power over twisted pair cabling for multiple operational speeds. It also includes general information on 100 Mb/s operation as well as most of the 100 Mb/s physical layer specifications.