IEEE Std 802.15.4™-2003

时间:2012-06-09 05:56:23
文件名称:IEEE Std 802.15.4™-2003
更新时间:2012-06-09 05:56:23
IEEE Std 802.15.4™-2003 IEEE Std 802.15.4-2003 This standard defines the protocol and interconnection of devices via radio communication in a personal area network (PAN). The standard uses carrier sense multiple access with a collision avoidance medium access mechanism and supports star as well as peer-to-peer topologies. The media access is contention based; however, using the optional superframe structure, time slots can be allocated by the PAN coordinator to devices with time critical data. Connectivity to higher performance networks is provided through a PAN coordinator. This standard specifies two PHYs: an 868/915 MHz direct sequence spread spectrum (DSSS) PHY and a 2450 MHz DSSS PHY. The 2450 MHz PHY supports an over-the-air data rate of 250 kb/s, and the 868/915 MHz PHY supports over-the-air data rates of 20 kb/s and 40 kb/s. The PHY chosen depends on local regulations and user preference. This standard contains state-of-the-art material. The area covered by this standard is undergoing evolution. Revisions are anticipated to this standard within the next few years to clarify existing material, to correct possible errors, and to incorporate new related material. Details on the contents of this standard are provided on the following pages. Information on the current revision state of this and other IEEE 802® standards may be obtained from: Secretary, IEEE-SA Standards Board 445 Hoes Lane P.O.Box 1331 Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331 USA Participants At the time the draft of this standard was sent to sponsor ballot, the IEEE P802.15™ Working Group had the following voting members: Robert F. Heile, Chair James D. Allen, Vice Chair Patrick W. Kinney, Secretary Michael D. McInnis, Assistant Secretary and Editor Ian C. Gifford, Task Group 1 Chair Stephen J. Shellhammer, Task Group 2 Chair John R. Barr, Task Group 3 Chair Patrick W. Kinney, Task Group 4 Chair Phil Jamieson, Task Group 4 Vice Chair José A. Gutierrez, Task Group 4 Editor-in-Chief Marco Naeve, Task Group 4 Secretary Monique Bourgeois, MAC Technical Editor Said Moridi, PHY Technical Editor Phil Jamieson, Layer Management Technical Editor


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  • 是英文原版,可以看看,不过有更新的资料了
  • 是老资料,不好是正确的,很有用啊
  • 技术文档,还不错
  • 这个是phy layer的资料,包括zigbee的底层协议。
  • 该资源确实不错,但是英文原版,发表者没有说明,不应该的。因为英文原版我早有了,可以在其他地方免费下载。