Introduction to stochastic processes

时间:2012-09-06 11:46:22
文件名称:Introduction to stochastic processes
更新时间:2012-09-06 11:46:22
Introduction to stochastic processes This book is an outgrowth of lectures in Mathematics 240, "Applied Stochastic Processes," which I have taught a number of times at Duke University. The majority of the students in the course are graduate students from departments other than mathematics, including computer science, economics, business, biological sciences, psychology, physics, statistics, and engineering. There have also been graduate students from the mathematics department as well as some advanced undergraduates. The mathematical background of the students varies greatly, and the particular areas of stochastic processes that are relevant for their research also vary greatly.
Lawler G.F. Introduction to stochastic processes (Chapman-Hall, 1995)(ISBN 0412995115)(K)(T)(188s)_MVspa_.djvu


  • 老师推荐的书
  • 正是需要的资料 谢谢分享啊
  • 特别救急,我们的专业英语翻译课文,可惜不是word PDF版本
  • 我也是想找Cinlar那本,这个不是
  • 这方面的书好像比较少,这本不知道怎么样。
  • 名不符实,不是我想要的。。。
  • 影印效果很好,有文字识别过。
  • G.F.Lawler 的, 影印版, 效果还行~~
  • 并不是E. Cinlar(1975)的 Introduction to Stochastic Processes.而且是djvu格式的,不是我想要的。