Cocoa and Objec-C Up and Running

时间:2022-04-03 03:40:39
文件名称:Cocoa and Objec-C Up and Running
更新时间:2022-04-03 03:40:39
cocoa object This book is made to be accessible to new programmers, but it’s not watered down. You’re learning to use the same things the professionals use. My job is to make sure that each page says something useful. For each paragraph, I’ve asked myself, “Does this help you write your app?” Anything that didn’t meet that standard got cut. But I haven’t sold you short; if there’s something you need to know to be a good Mac pro- grammer, I’ve at least told you about it. However, I haven’t spent time on minutiae that don’t matter for Cocoa. The content of this book is based on Cocoa tutorials I wrote between 2003 and 2009. Many of these were published at my personal site, Theocacao, and some of the longer ones were published at Cocoa Dev Central, a site I didn’t originally create but have run since 2004. I’ve refined the tutorials based on a one-on-one mentoring program that I ran over the same period of time. You get the benefit of all those efforts in a single condensed book. Your job is to go write world-class Mac, iPhone, and iPad apps, and to tell everyone else how great Cocoa is. Let’s get started.
