
时间:2016-02-05 07:56:58




更新时间:2016-02-05 07:56:58


Getting started with MongoDB is easy, but once you’re building applications with it more complex questions emerge. Is it better to store data using this schema or that one? Should I break this into two documents or store it all as one? How can I make this faster? The advice in this book should help you answer these questions. This book is basically a list of tips, divided into topical sections: Chapter 1, Application Design Tips Ideas to keep in mind when you design your schema. Chapter 2, Implementation Tips Advice for programming applications against MongoDB. Chapter 3, Optimization Tips Ways to speed up your application. Chapter 4, Data Safety and Consistency How to use replication and journaling to keep data safe—without sacrificing too much performance. Chapter 5, Administration Tips Advice for configuring MongoDB and keeping it running smoothly. There are many tips that fit into more than one chapter, especially those concerning performance. The optimization chapter mainly focuses on indexing, but speed crops up everywhere, from schema design to implementation to data safety.


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