文件名称:3GPP R15/16/17中Feature汇总
更新时间:2023-03-31 17:03:08
3GPP 5G Feature
介绍了3GPP R15/16/17中相关feature,可以直接超链接到相关位置。 1 LTE UE Total Radiated Power (TRP) and Total Radiated Sensitivity (TRS) and UTRA Hand Phantom related UE TRP and TRS Requirements 2 Study on Enhanced Acoustic Test Specifications 3 Stopped - Study on IMS Enhanced Spoofed Call Prevention and Detection 4 Study on Overload Control for Diameter Charging Applications 5 Study on security aspects for LTE support of V2X services 6 Study on OAM support for assessment of energy efficiency in mobile access networks 7 Study on OAM aspects of SON for AAS-based deployments