
时间:2019-10-11 11:41:10
更新时间:2019-10-11 11:41:10
高清版 中文版 仅仅是作为搬运工。 算法精粹——举一反三,抛弃题海战术 本书的目标读者是准备去硅谷找工作的码农,也适用于在国内找工作的码农,以及刚接触ACM算法竞赛的新手。 市场上讲解算法的书已经汗牛充栋,为什么还要写这本书呢?主要原因是我对目前市场上的大部分算法书都不太满意。 本书有如下特色: 背后有强大的AlgoHub支持。 本书的所有题目,都可以在 www.algohub.org(即将上线) 上在线判断代码。这样的一大好处是,读者可以边看书,边实现自己的代码,然后提交到网站上验证自己的想法是否正确。AlgoHub的使命是成为最好的算法学习和交流平台。AlgoHub囊括了 POJ, ZOJ, leetcode, HackerRank 等网站的经典题目(一些质量不高的题目则忽略),且 AlgoHub有非常简单的加题系统,用户不需要写一行代码即可自己添加题目,所以AlgoHub的题库还在飞速增长中。 每道题都有完整的代码。 市场上的大部分书,都会讲思路,但给出的代码都是片段,不是完整可编译的代码。本书每题都有完整的代码,且每个代码经过千锤百炼,保证可读性的前提下尽可能简短,方面读者在面试中能快速写出来。 每道题都有多种解法。 本书的宗旨是,用尽可能少的题目,覆盖尽可能多的算法。本书中的的每道题都有多种解法,每种解法不是简单的小改进,而是完全不同的思路,力求举一反三,让读者触类旁通。 本书支持多种主流编程语言。 目前支持 Java, C++, C#, Python, Ruby, JavaScript, Swift, Scala, Clojure, 将来还会支持更多编程语言。 在线阅读 https://www.gitbook.com/book/soulmachine/algorithm-essentials/ 内容目录 介绍 线性表 数组 Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array II Longest Consecutive Sequence Two Sum 3Sum 3Sum Closest 4Sum Remove Element Move Zeroes Next Permutation Permutation Sequence Valid Sudoku Trapping Rain Water Rotate Image Plus One Climbing Stairs Set Matrix Zeroes Gas Station Candy Majority Element Rotate Array Contains Duplicate Contains Duplicate II Contains Duplicate III Product of Array Except Self Game of Life Increasing Triplet Subsequence 单链表 Reverse Linked List Odd Even Linked List Add Two Numbers Reverse Linked List II Partition List Remove Duplicates from Sorted List Remove Duplicates from Sorted List II Rotate List Remove Nth Node From End of List Swap Nodes in Pairs Reverse Nodes in k-Group Copy List with Random Pointer Linked List Cycle Linked List Cycle II Reorder List LRU Cache Palindrome Linked List 字符串 Valid Palindrome Implement strStr() String to Integer (atoi) Add Binary Longest Palindromic Substring Regular Expression Matching Wildcard Matching Longest Common Prefix Valid Number Integer to Roman Roman to Integer Count and Say Anagrams Valid Anagram Simplify Path Length of Last Word Isomorphic Strings Word Pattern 栈和队列 栈 Min Stack Valid Parentheses Longest Valid Parentheses Largest Rectangle in Histogram Evaluate Reverse Polish Notation Implement Stack using Queues 队列 Implement Queue using Stacks 二叉树 二叉树的遍历 Binary Tree Preorder Traversal Binary Tree Inorder Traversal Binary Tree Postorder Traversal Binary Tree Level Order Traversal Binary Tree Level Order Traversal II Binary Tree Right Side View Invert Binary Tree Binary Search Tree Iterator Binary Tree Zigzag Level Order Traversal Recover Binary Search Tree Same Tree Symmetric Tree Balanced Binary Tree Flatten Binary Tree to Linked List Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node II 二叉树的构建 Construct Binary Tree from Preorder and Inorder Traversal Construct Binary Tree from Inorder and Postorder Traversal 二叉查找树 Unique Binary Search Trees Unique Binary Search Trees II Validate Binary Search Tree Convert Sorted Array to Binary Search Tree Convert Sorted List to Binary Search Tree LCA of BST Kth Smallest Element in a BST 二叉树的递归 Minimum Depth of Binary Tree Maximum Depth of Binary Tree Path Sum Path Sum II Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node Sum Root to Leaf Numbers LCA of Binary Tree 线段树 Range Sum Query - Mutable 排序 插入排序 Insertion Sort List 归并排序 Merge Two Sorted Arrays Merge Two Sorted Lists Merge k Sorted Lists Sort List 快速排序 Sort Colors Kth Largest Element in an Array 桶排序 First Missing Positive 计数排序 H-Index 基数排序 Maximum Gap 其他 Largest Number 小结 查找 Search for a Range Search Insert Position Search in Rotated Sorted Array Search in Rotated Sorted Array II Search a 2D Matrix Search a 2D Matrix II Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array II Median of Two Sorted Arrays H-Index II 暴力枚举法 Subsets Subsets II Permutations Permutations II Combinations Letter Combinations of a Phone Number 广度优先搜索 Word Ladder Word Ladder II Surrounded Regions 总结 深度优先搜索 Additive Number Palindrome Partitioning Unique Paths Unique Paths II N-Queens N-Queens II Restore IP Addresses Combination Sum Combination Sum II Combination Sum III Generate Parentheses Sudoku Solver Word Search 总结 分治法 Pow(x,n) Sqrt(x) 贪心法 Jump Game Jump Game II Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters Container With Most Water Patching Array 动态规划 Triangle Maximum Subarray Maximum Product Subarray Longest Increasing Subsequence Palindrome Partitioning II Maximal Rectangle Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock III Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock IV Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock with Cooldown Interleaving String Scramble String Minimum Path Sum Edit Distance Decode Ways Distinct Subsequences Word Break Word Break II Dungeon Game House Robber House Robber II House Robber III Range Sum Query - Immutable Range Sum Query 2D - Immutable 图 Clone Graph 位操作 Reverse Bits Repeated DNA Sequences Number of 1 Bits Gray Code Single Number Single Number II Single Number III Power of Two Missing Number Maximum Product of Word Lengths Bitwise AND of Numbers Range Power of Three Rectangle Area 数论 Happy Number Ugly Number Ugly Number II Super Ugly Number Fraction to Recurring Decimal Factorial Trailing Zeroes Nim Game 模拟 Reverse Integer Palindrome Number Insert Interval Merge Intervals Minimum Window Substring Multiply Strings Substring with Concatenation of All Words Pascal's Triangle Pascal's Triangle II Spiral Matrix Spiral Matrix II ZigZag Conversion Divide Two Integers Text Justification Max Points on a Line Community QQ 群: 237669375 Github: https://www.github.com/soulmachine/algorithm-essentials 微博: @灵魂机器 License Book License: CC BY-SA 3.0 License
