vite-electron-quick::high_voltage:Starter template with Vite2 Vue3 and Electron 11.x 使用 Vite2 Vue3 以及 Electron 11.x 打造的快速启动模版

时间:2024-05-12 08:35:54

文件名称:vite-electron-quick::high_voltage:Starter template with Vite2 Vue3 and Electron 11.x 使用 Vite2 Vue3 以及 Electron 11.x 打造的快速启动模版



更新时间:2024-05-12 08:35:54

electron vite vue-router-next vitejs vite-vue3

vite-electron-quick :ghost: A fast Simple Vite2 Vue3 and Electron 11.x template. :high_voltage: If you want to fast create a Vite 2 + Vue 3 + Electron 11.x project: :rocket: Why not use this? quick install npx create-vite-electron yarn create vite-electron run yarn yarn dev yarn build change log 210331 Update rollup-plugin-esbuild version. 210219 resolve #6 change vite config file (alias => r

