
时间:2018-08-27 08:07:01




更新时间:2018-08-27 08:07:01

java graph 图论 java库

JGraphT is a free Java class library that provides mathematical graph-theory objects and algorithms. JGraphT supports a rich gallery of graphs and is designed to be powerful, extensible, and easy to use. Packages org.jgrapht:The front-end API's interfaces and classes, including Graph, DirectedGraph and UndirectedGraph. org.jgrapht.alg:Algorithms provided with JGraphT. org.jgrapht.alg.util:Utilities used by JGraphT algorithms. org.jgrapht.demo:Demo programs that help to get started with JGraphT. org.jgrapht.event:Event classes and listener interfaces, used to provide a change notification mechanism on graph modification events. org.jgrapht.ext:Extensions and integration means to other products. org.jgrapht.generate:Generators for graphs of various topologies. org.jgrapht.graph:Implementations of various graphs. org.jgrapht.traverse:Graph traversal means. org.jgrapht.util:Non-graph-specific data structures, algorithms, and utilities used by JGraphT.
