386|SRCBug Reference Manual (TNT 386|SRCBug 调试器参考手册)

时间:2016-02-07 15:30:45

文件名称:386|SRCBug Reference Manual (TNT 386|SRCBug 调试器参考手册)



更新时间:2016-02-07 15:30:45

TNT Pharlap DOS Extenter 扩展器

本书为 TNT DOS-Extender 8.0 的参考手册之一。 ------------------------------------------------------------ 欢迎使用 TNT DOS-Extender 和 TNT Realtime DOS-Extender,这是 Phar Lap 的最新的那个年代曾经屡获殊荣 DOS 扩展器技术! 这个产品为运行在 MS-DOS 或 PC-DOS 的程序提供了32位 x86 保护模式运行环境。 TNT Realtime DOS-Extender 支持DOS下多线程序的运行时程序。 微软的 Foxpro 的32位版本程序,就是使用本产品开发。 FOXPROX.EXE 是 Foxpro 的32位版,一个文件即可完美运行所有的 Foxpro 功能。 TNT DOS-Extender Reference Manual 参考手册详细介绍了应用程序需要的保护模式环境。 System Requirements 386, 486, Pentium 或更高处理器 2 MB 扩展内存 10 MB 剩余硬盘空间 MS-DOS 3.0 或以上版本 32-bit C/C++编译链接工具,可使用 Borland C++、Visual C++、Watcom C/C++、Open Watcom C/C++(推荐)等32位编译工具 TNT DOS-Extender 可以使用下面的编译和链接工具的组合: Microsoft Visual C/C++ for Windows and Windows NT, 32位版本编译器和链接器 (CL and LINK) Microsoft Visual C/C++ for Windows and Windows NT, 32版本编译器和Phar Lap连接器(TNT链接器) (CL and 386LINK) MetaWare High C/C++ 编译器和Phar Lap连接器(TNT链接器) (HC386 and 386LINK) Open-Watcom C/C++32 编译器和Phar Lap连接器(TNT链接器) (WCC386 and 386LINK) TNT DOS-Extender 包括下面的文档 TNT DOS-Extender Reference Manual(参考手册) 保护模式环境详细介绍(各种参数)、编程介绍 C/C++ User’s Guide to TNT DOS-Extender (用户指南) A tutorial style guide to developing C and C++ programs for TNT DOS-Extender, including instructions for building programs using the Microsoft Visual C/C++ for Windows and Windows NT, 32-bit Edition compiler, the MetaWare High C/C++ compiler, and the WATCOM C/C++32 compiler. Libraries and System Calls Reference (库和系统调用参考) Complete documentation on the C-callable TNT DOS-Extender system calls in DOSX32.LIB, the C-callable MS-DOS and BIOS system calls in DOS32.LIB, the C-callable NtStyle Win32 API subset, and the register-based software interrupt interface for TNT DOS-Extender, MS-DOS, and BIOS system calls. Utilities Reference Manual (工具参考手册) A reference on the utility programs included with the TNT DOS-Extender SDK, including: the 386|LINK linker; the 386|LIB librarian; the REBIND binder utility program; the PLSTRIP symbol table strip utility; the CFIG386 configuration utility; the MAPEXE executable file dump program; and the TELLME system report utility. Windows Interface Guide (Windows 界面向导) A description of the Phar Lap WinPipe Application Program Interface (API) and a tutorial on using this API to build a Windows 3.1 graphical user interface for your TNT DOS-Extender program. CodeView Reference Manual (CodeView 调试参考手册) A reference for using the CodeView source code debugger to debug 32-bit protectedmode programs. 386|SRCBug Reference Manual (TNT 386|SRCBug 调试器参考手册) Documentation for the Phar Lap source code debugger, including debugger commands, protected-mode debugging, and a sample debug session. 386|ASM Reference Manual (386|ASM 宏汇编参考工具) A technical reference for Phar Lap’s assembler for Intel 8086 and later microprocessors.
