
时间:2022-05-30 10:03:13
更新时间:2022-05-30 10:03:13
Python python 34个例程源 PythonForDelphi 修改 最后修改日期2019-2-1这一版,需要注意的是python 3.7 要安装32位版 需要在Delphi中先安装上PythonForDelphi控件包,安装不麻烦,可参考上述资料的说明文档. 包含34个例程源码几乎涵盖了Python4Delphi的所有方面. Demo01 A simple Python evaluator Demo02 Evaluate a Python expression Demo03 Defining Python/Delphi vars Demo04 Defining Python/Delphi vars (advanced case) Demo05 Defining a new Module Demo06 Defining a new Type Demo07 Using Delphi methods as Python functions Demo08 Using Delphi classes for new Python types Demo09 Making a Python module as a Dll Demo10 Mapping Delphi VCL components inside Python using TPythonDatabase (BDE - not changed) Demo10_FireDAC Database demo using FireDAC Demo11 Using Threads inside Python Demo12 Using PythonAtom. -> Deprecated since Delphi 6, See VarPyth instead Demo13 Using TPythonDatabase. (BDE - not changed) Demo14 Making a Dll with TPythonDatabase (BDE - not changed) Demo15 Using a TDataset descendant with Python, except TTable and TQuery. (BDE - not changed) Demo16 Using a TDelphiVar or Module methods ? (Kylix ready) Demo17 Using variant arrays of 2 dimensions (Kylix ready) Demo18 C++ Builder: using the Python Dll in a console application Demo19 C++ Builder: this is a replicate of the Delphi Demo05 Demo20 C++ Builder: this is a replicate of the Delphi Demo08 Demo21 Using Events in TPythonModule or TPythonType (Kylix ready) Demo22 Using Threading, Windows Console and Command line arguments (Kylix ready) Demo23 Using Threading and Delphi log window. (Kylix ready) Demo24 Using TAtomPythonEngine (Deprecated since Delphi 6, See VarPyth instead) Demo25 Using VarPyth.pas (Kylix ready) Demo26 Demo8 revisited to allow the new Python type to be subclassed Demo27 Container indexing Demo28 Iterator (Kylix ready) Demo29 Using Python Imaging Library (PAL) Demo30 Using Named Parameters (Kylix ready) Demo31 Using WrapDelphi to access Delphi Form attributes (Requires Delphi5 or later) Demo32 Demo08 revisited using WrapDelphi (Requires Delphi7 or later) Demo33 Using Threads inside Python Demo34 Dynamically creating, destroying and recreating PythonEngine. Uses PytonVersions
