
时间:2016-06-18 05:14:14




更新时间:2016-06-18 05:14:14

分散环境建模 传感器网络 分散估计 平均一致估计

Decentralized environmental modeling by mobile sensor networks 分散环境的传感器网络建模 详细介绍PI平均一致估计的相关文档包括原始卡尔曼滤波论文

looking3 多变量控制系统Fisher信息矩阵的研究.pdf
looking3 [14] Stability and Convergence Properties of Dynamic Average Consensus Estimators.pdf
looking3 [40] Communication and transmission requirements for a decentralized linear-quadratic-Gaussian control problem.pdf
looking3 [14]的[2] Consensus problems in networks.pdf
looking3 具有状态预测器的多智能体系统一致性研究.pdf
looking3 [7] Extrema Propagation Fast Distribu ted Estimation of Sums and Network Sizes.pdf
looking3 [13] Distributed estimation and control of swarm formation statistics.pdf
looking3 噪声相关的Kalman_Bucy滤波器.pdf
looking3 [4] Optimal Filtering.pdf
looking3 原著 Kalman1960 A New Approach to Linear Filtering and Pre-diction Problems,.pdf
looking3 连续时间的Kalman_Bucy滤波器的一个证法.pdf
looking3 [24] Decentralized Schemes for Size Estimation in Large and Dynamic Groups.pdf
looking3 原著 KalmanBucy1961.pdf
looking3 随机拓扑结构下多智能体系统的平均一致性.pdf
looking3 [7] Extrema Propagation Fast Distribu ted Estimation of Sums and Network Sizes.zip
looking3 高斯径向基核函数_(Radial_Basis_Function)–RBF.pdf
looking3 Distributed Cooperative Active Sensing Using Consensus Filters.pdf
looking3 RBF神经网络的函数逼近能力及其算法.pdf
looking3 论文 Decentralized environmental modeling by mobile sensor networks.pdf
looking3 [16] data fusion in decentralized sensor networks.pdf
looking3 高斯核函数在图像滤波中的应用.pdf
