
时间:2014-03-27 13:21:25




更新时间:2014-03-27 13:21:25


Exercise Solutions to Data Structures Outside in with Java By Hongbiao Zeng Chapter 1 E1.1. a) Two states: frequency, volume. Two methods: set volume, get frequency. b) Two states: length, text. Two methods: set text, get length. c) Two states: center, radius. Two methods: set center, get radius. d) Two states: names of two roads that intersect. Two methods: get roads’ names, set roads’ names. e) Two states: car price, car mileages. Two methods: set price, get mileages. f) Two states: type, speed. Two methods: set type, get speed. E1.2. Static field is used to store a class-wide shared resource. E1.3. Static methods can be used as a utility method, controlling the number of instances. The special static method main is the entry point of a program. E1.4. A static method cannot reference a non-static field in its class. Because the non-static field must associate with an instance of the class but the static method can be called even when no instances of the class have be created. A non-static method can reference a static field since the static field is shared by every instance of the class.


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  • 全英的,有点可惜 。怎么没有原书吗?
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  • 非常好的答案,看得出作者做的很仔细。我最近正在学习这边书,非常感谢楼主
  • 超酷,特别是对于我这种菜鸟来说
  • 非常感谢,英文版好牛的说。。
  • 很不错的答案,很符合要求
  • 英文不好的伙伴 伤不起啊
  • 全英文的................
  • 相当详细,这本书也相当经典,尤其是平衡树的章节
  • 联系了代码量,也练习了英文阅读能力
  • 很好的资源 虽然是英文的