java webdav客户端程序DAV Explorer

时间:2013-04-08 08:22:23

文件名称:java webdav客户端程序DAV Explorer



更新时间:2013-04-08 08:22:23

webdav 协议

DAV Explorer is a Java application which uses Java 2 and has successfully been run on Microsoft Windows from Windows 95 to Server 2003, Solaris and Linux. It has been reported to run on Macintosh computers, with MacOS 9 and MRJ 2.2.3, and with Mac OS X. DAV Explorer may run on other platforms, but this has not been verified.



  • 很好用的webdav 客户端程序
  • 很好用的webdav 客户端程序
  • 易用性不强
  • 最近在学webdav,原来这个网上也有得下哈,这个是开源的,不过是从你这搜出原来有这个工具可以用,不错,学了点东西。
  • 可能是我的网络受限原因所以没有找到我想要的地址,还有一点就是易用性不强