
时间:2024-04-22 12:07:53




更新时间:2024-04-22 12:07:53

极客问题 链接到问题列表

--------4. Recursively remove all adjacent duplicates(510B)
--------11. Implement Atoi(456B)
--------3. Longest palindrome in a string(566B)
--------13. Longest common Prefix in an Array(790B)
--------5. Check if string is rotated by two places(274B)
--------6. Roman Number to Integer(573B)
--------2. Permutations of a given string(527B)
--------8. Remove Duplicates(243B)
--------10. Longest Distinct characters in string(881B)
--------7. Anagram(415B)
--------9. Form a palindrome(2KB)
--------1. Reverse words in a given string(301B)
--------12. Implement strstr(499B)
----Linked List()
--------7. Remove loop in Linked List(652B)
--------12. Pairwise swap elements of LL(514B)
--------10. Merge two sorted linked lists(706B)
--------18. Delete without head pointer(136B)
--------3. Rotate a linked list(302B)
--------1. Finding middle element in a LL(209B)
--------17. Given a linked list of 0's, 1's and 2's, sort it(775B)
--------6. Detect loop in linked list(370B)
--------4. Reverse a linked list in groups(356B)
--------2. Reverse a LL(334B)
--------8. nth node from end of LL(272B)
