文件名称:SIGCOMM 2011-ACM SIGCOMM conference on Data communication 2011论文集
更新时间:2015-01-25 15:28:14
ACM SIGCOMM 论文集 2011 Networking
(我现在主要在CSDN上整理计算机安全、软件工程(可信软件)、系统及通信方面的论文及相关理论书籍,如果对这方面内容感兴趣,可以访问:http://qysh123.download.csdn.net/ 查看我上传的所有资料。内容比较多,需要大家人工手动查找。另外,资料顺序并不按照时间排列,只是想起来了就上传。CSDN这套系统不敢恭维,也请大家见谅。) Networking界的*会议SIGCOMM 2011年的论文集,关于SIGCOMM,请参考以下介绍: SIGCOMM是ACM组织在通信网络领域的旗舰型会议,也是目前国际通信网络领域的顶尖会议,由ACM SIGCOMM组织举办。SIGCOMM的特点是对论文的质量和数量要求极高,质量方面要求具有基础性贡献、领导性影响和坚实系统背景,数量方面每年只录用30篇左右的正式会议论文,录取率约10%。会议采用Double-Blind审稿和Single-Track演讲,前者保证了审稿质量,后者保证了每篇论文的演讲都能被所有参会者听到。由于SIGCOMM录用的论文大多数都会被广泛引用、具有非常大的影响力,因此能在SIGCOMM年会上发表论文是所有通信网络研究者的无上荣誉。 本届SIGCOMM在regular research paper方面,共收录了32篇文章,分为11个Session,确实是精品会议。
Network modeling
----Design space analysis for modeling incentives in distributed systems.pdf(1.24MB)
----The evolution of layered protocol stacks leads to an hourglass-shaped architecture.pdf(488KB)
----How many tiers _ pricing in the internet transit market.pdf(639KB)
----They can hear your heartbeats _ non-invasive security for implantable medical devices.pdf(794KB)
----Let the market drive deployment _ a strategy for transitioning to BGP security.pdf(682KB)
----Finding protocol manipulation attacks.pdf(1.42MB)
Neat tricks
----DOF _ a local wireless information plane.pdf(3.29MB)
----What's the difference _ efficient set reconciliation without prior context.pdf(561KB)
Data center network performance
----DevoFlow _ scaling flow management for high-performance networks.pdf(1.01MB)
----Towards predictable datacenter networks.pdf(878KB)
----Improving datacenter performance and robustness with multipath TCP.pdf(707KB)
----Clearing the RF smog _ making 802.11n robust to cross-technology interference.pdf(1.3MB)
----Random access heterogeneous MIMO networks.pdf(814KB)
----Strider _ automatic rate adaptation and collision handling.pdf(3.31MB)
Novel data center architectures
----NetLord _ a scalable multi-tenant network architecture for virtualized datacenters.pdf(651KB)
----Augmenting data center networks with multi-gigabit wireless links.pdf(1000KB)
----Better never than late _ meeting deadlines in datacenter networks.pdf(1.45MB)
Network measurement II -- what's going on
----Understanding the impact of video quality on user engagement.pdf(1007KB)
----An untold story of middleboxes in cellular networks.pdf(593KB)
----Understanding network failures in data centers _ measurement, analysis, and implications.pdf(906KB)
Network measurement I -- wide-area measurement
----Managing data transfers in computer clusters with orchestra.pdf(533KB)
----On blind mice and the elephant _ understanding the network impact of a large distributed system.pdf(964KB)
----Broadband internet performance _ a view from the gateway.pdf(1.57MB)
Network management -- reasoning and debugging
----Debugging the data plane with anteater.pdf(773KB)
----NetQuery _ a knowledge plane for reasoning about network properties.pdf(764KB)
----Demystifying configuration challenges and trade-offs in network-based ISP services.pdf(1.03MB)
ISPs and wide-area networking
----Insomnia in the access _ or how to curb access network related energy consumption.pdf(802KB)
----Seamless network-wide IGP migrations.pdf(698KB)
----A content propagation metric for efficient content distribution.pdf(541KB)
Bulk data transfers
----The power of prediction _ cloud bandwidth and cost reduction.pdf(709KB)
----Managing data transfers in computer clusters with orchestra.pdf(907KB)
----Inter-datacenter bulk transfers with netstitcher.pdf(1.01MB)