文件名称:FSE 2012-International Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering 2012
更新时间:2016-01-18 19:29:21
(我现在主要在CSDN上整理计算机安全、软件工程(可信软件)、系统及通信方面的论文及相关理论书籍,如果对这方面内容感兴趣,可以访问:http://download.csdn.net/user/qysh123 查看我上传的所有资料。内容比较多,需要大家人工手动查找。另外,资料顺序并不按照时间排列,只是想起来了就上传。请大家见谅。) 软件工程研究领域的著名国际会议(可以说和ICSE并列为最*的),International Symposium on Foundations of Software Engineering (FSE) 2012年的论文合集。 这里共收录了FSE 2012年包括Keynote addresses在内的共计11个session的35篇research paper,对本次会议中的demo和NIER papers没有收录,欢迎需要的同学下载、学习。
FSE 2012
--------DTAM_ dynamic taint analysis of multi-threaded programs for relevancy.pdf(1.02MB)
--------Asynchronous programs with prioritized task-buffers.pdf(1.05MB)
--------Predicting null-pointer dereferences in concurrent programs.pdf(1012KB)
----Empirical studies()
--------How do developers react to API deprecation_ the case of a smalltalk ecosystem.pdf(383KB)
--------A case study of cross-system porting in forked projects.pdf(1.16MB)
--------How do developers use parallel libraries.pdf(935KB)
--------Seeking the ground truth_ a retroactive study on the evolution and migration of software libraries.pdf(738KB)
----Text analysis()
--------AUSUM_ approach for unsupervised bug report summarization.pdf(1.01MB)
--------Searching connected API subgraph via text phrases.pdf(767KB)
--------Automated extraction of security policies from natural-language software documents.pdf(734KB)
--------Green_ reducing, reusing and recycling constraints in program analysis.pdf(855KB)
--------Conditional model checking_ a technique to pass information between verifiers.pdf(950KB)
--------Rubicon_ bounded verification of web applications.pdf(819KB)
--------Automated concolic testing of smartphone apps.pdf(1.05MB)
----Test suites()
--------Understanding myths and realities of test-suite evolution.pdf(865KB)
--------CarFast_ achieving higher statement coverage faster.pdf(655KB)
--------Test input generation using dynamic programming.pdf(954KB)
--------Scalable test data generation from multidimensional models.pdf(1.06MB)
----Decision support()
--------Assessing the value of branches with what-if analysis.pdf(1.23MB)
--------Improving software developers' fluency by recommending development environment commands.pdf(1.05MB)
--------Who is going to mentor newcomers in open source projects.pdf(1.03MB)
--------History slicing_ assisting code-evolution tasks.pdf(977KB)
----Keynote Addresses()
--------ACM SIGSOFT Impact Paper Award 2012_ Systematic Software Testing_ The Korat Approach.pdf(601KB)
----Program analysis()
--------Detecting and analyzing insecure component usage.pdf(994KB)
--------Testing mined specifications.pdf(955KB)
--------Retargeting Android applications to Java bytecode.pdf(883KB)
----Dynamic analysis()
--------Mining the execution history of a software system to infer the best time for its adaptation.pdf(502KB)
--------Automating presentation changes in dynamic web applications via collaborative hybrid analysis.pdf(645KB)
----Bug prediction()
--------Recalling the imprecision of cross-project defect prediction.pdf(746KB)
--------Multi-layered approach for recovering links between bug reports and fixes.pdf(827KB)
--------An industrial study on the risk of software changes.pdf(700KB)
--------Variability points and design pattern usage in architectural tactics.pdf(1.1MB)
--------How do software engineers understand code changes_ an exploratory study in industry.pdf(394KB)
--------Do crosscutting concerns cause modularity problems.pdf(160KB)
--------A field study of refactoring challenges and benefits.pdf(956KB)