Rails Recipes英文版(清晰文字pdf+源码)

时间:2014-08-29 10:45:56
文件名称:Rails Recipes英文版(清晰文字pdf+源码)
更新时间:2014-08-29 10:45:56
Rails Recipes英文版(清晰文字pdf+源码) Ruby三神书之一(其余的两本是Agile.Web.Development.with.Rails和Ruby For Rails,在我的资源列表也有) Rails is large, powerful, and new. How do you use it effectively? How do you harness the power? And, most important, how do you get high quality, real-world applications written? From the latest Ajax effects to time-saving automation tips for your development process, "Rails Recipes" will show you how the experts have already solved the problems you have. Use generators to automate repetitive coding tasks. Create sophisticated role-based authentication schemes. Add live search and live preview to your site. Run tests when anyone checks code in. How to create tagged data the right way. and many, many more... Owning "Rails Recipes" is like having the best Rails programmers sitting next to you while you code.
Rails Recipes.pdf


  • 这本书完全不值得下载。 它讲述的是Rails 1.0/1.1的开发经验。试问在Rails 3.0/3.1已经普及的今天,谁还会用Rails 1.0/1.1? 发布者在2011年8月上传这本书,明知这本书已经失去价值,还将下载积分设定为3分。不知道发布者究竟是何居心?