文件名称:The Rails 5 Way-Leanpub(2017).pdf
更新时间:2021-04-09 15:04:02
Rails Ruby RoR
As with previous editions, this book is not a tutorial or basic introduction to Ruby or Rails. The idea is for the full-time Rails developer to give it a once over straight through at first, then use it as a day-to-day reference. The more confident reader might be able to get started in Rails using just this book, extensive online resources, and his wits, but there are other publications that are more introductory in nature and might be a wee bit more appropriate for beginners. Historically, every contributor to this book has worked with Rails on a full time basis. We do not spend our days writing books or training other people, although that is certainly something that we enjoy doing on the side. This book was originally conceived for myself, because I hate having to use online documentation, especially API docs, which need to be consulted over and over again. Since the API documentation is liberally licensed (just like the rest of Rails), there are some sections of the book that draw from the API documentation. But in practically all of those cases, the API documentation has been expanded and/or corrected, supplemented with additional examples and enhanced with commentary drawn from practical experience. Hopefully you are like me—I really like books that I can keep next to my keyboard, scribble notes in, and fill with bookmarks and dog-ears. When I’m coding, I want to be able to quickly refer to API documentation, in-depth explanations, and relevant examples.