MvcNavigationHelpers:ASP.NET MVC的强类型,易于重构的导航扩展方法

时间:2021-04-27 14:36:51
文件名称:MvcNavigationHelpers:ASP.NET MVC的强类型,易于重构的导航扩展方法
更新时间:2021-04-27 14:36:51
PowerShell MvcNavigationHelpers 这是在ASP.NET MVC应用程序中完成导航的方式: public ActionResult AwfulIndex() { // NOTE: If you do this in production code, you are a Bad Person. You should take a dependency on // an IClock instead. And if you use DateTime rather than DateTimeOffset, you deserve everything bad // that happens to you :) var todayIsThursday = DateTimeOffset.Now.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Thursday;
