test-ci-version::doughnut: Test the rules for using the Action version. For conclusion, see README. 测试 Action 版本使用规则。结论看 README

时间:2021-05-24 12:41:31
文件名称:test-ci-version::doughnut: Test the rules for using the Action version. For conclusion, see README. 测试 Action 版本使用规则。结论看 README
更新时间:2021-05-24 12:41:31
action test-ci JavaScript Test CI Version 测试 发布 v1.0.0 In: v1.0.0 Out: v1.0.0 发布 v1.0.1 In: v1.0.0 Out: v1.0.0 In: v1.0.1 Out: v1.0.1 In: v1.0 Out: Unable to resolve action actions-cool/test-ci-version@v1.0, unable to find version v1.0 In: v1 Out: Unable to resolve action actions-cool/test-ci-version@v1, unable to find version v1 结论 当找不到版本时,会报错。 疑问 经常看到 actions/checkout@v2 actions/checkout@v1,发现 actions/checkout 库并没有对应 v2
