文件名称:ASP.NET 4.5入门经典:涵盖C#和VB.NET(第7版) 源码
更新时间:2015-12-24 10:07:48
这是第六版的介绍《ASP.NET 4入门经典:涵盖C#和VB.NET(第6版)》内容简介:ASP.NET是.NET Framework的一部分,用于构建内容丰富的动态Web站点。其最新的版本ASP.NET 4对上一版进行了许多改进,包括增强了Web窗体,并添加了jQuery的支持。《ASP.NET 4入门经典:涵盖C#和VB.NET(第6版)》循序渐进,逐步讲解了如何使用ASP.NET 4构建内容丰富的Web站点,并提供了大量使用C#和VB的示例。通过实际动手练习,您将学到关于构建Web站点的第一手信息,同时能够深刻理解在浏览器中查看ASP.NET 4页面时,后台到底发生了什么。 这是第七版,也就是本源码书的介绍 The ultimate programming guide to ASP.NET 4.5, by popular author and Microsoft MVP Imar Spaanjaars Updated for ASP.NET 4.5, this introductory book is filled with helpful examples and contains a user-friendly, step-by-step format. Written by popular author and Microsoft ASP.NET MVP Imar Spaanjaars, this book walks you through ASP.NET, Microsoft's technology for building dynamically generated web pages. This edition retains the highly accessible approach to building the Planet Wrox website example, an online community site featuring product reviews, picture sharing, bonus content for registered users, and more. Contains the comprehensive guide to the latest technology additions to ASP.NET 4.5 Shows how to build basic ASP.NET web pages and configure their server Includes information on how to add features with pre-built server controls Reveals how to design pages and make them consistent Contains the information needed for getting user input and displaying data Beginning ASP.NET 4.5 in C# and VB uses Spaanjaars's distinct writing style to put you at ease with learning ASP.NET 4.5.