更新时间:2014-12-13 05:50:10
替代 runas Lsrunas
经过测试确实可以用,先将lsrunas.exe拷贝到%windir%下面,然后参照下面的命令写批处理。 LSrunas can be used to run a command using another user account and passing the password as a parameter. This is a big improvement over the standard runas tool which is not able to accept a password. LSrunas can be used in scripts. Parameters: ----------- /user: specifies the username /password: specifies the password /domain: specifies the domain /command: specifies the command to execute and the parameters /runpath: specifies the path where the command should start Examples: --------- lsrunas /user:administrator /password:s3cr3tp@ssw0rd /domain:Mydomain /command:notepad.exe /runpath:c:\ lsrunas /user:administrator /password:s3cr3tp@ssw0rd /domain:Mydomain /command:"C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer \iexplore.exe" /runpath:c:\ lsrunas /user:administrator /password:s3cr3tp@ssw0rd /domain:Mydomain /command:"C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer \iexplore.exe http://www.google.be" /runpath:c:\