
时间:2016-03-11 18:03:36
更新时间:2016-03-11 18:03:36
jquery easyui extjs JS UI Version: 1.3.2 ChangeLog Bug datagrid: The loading message window can not be centered when changing the width of datagrid. fixed. treegrid: The 'mergeCells' method can not work normally. fixed. propertygrid: Calling 'endEdit' method to stop editing a row will cause errors. fixed. tree: Can not load empty data when 'lines' property set to true. fixed. Improvement RTL feature is supported now. tabs: Add 'scrollBy' method to scroll the tab header by the specified amount of pixels. tabs: Add 'toolPosition' property to set tab tools to left or right. tabs: Add 'tabPosition' property to define the tab position, possible values are: 'top','bottom','left','right'. datagrid: Add a column level property 'order' that allows users to define different default sort order per column. datagrid: Add a column level property 'halign' that allows users to define how to align the column header. datagrid: Add 'resizeHandle' property to define the resizing column position, by grabbing the left or right edge of the column. datagrid: Add 'freezeRow' method to freeze some rows that will always be displayed at the top when the datagrid is scrolled down. datagrid: Add 'clearChecked' method to clear all checked records. datagrid: Add 'data' property to initialize the datagrid data. linkbutton: Add 'iconAlgin' property to define the icon position, supported values are: 'left','right'. menu: Add 'minWidth' property. menu: The menu width can be automatically calculated. tree: New events are available including 'onBeforeDrag','onStartDrag','onDragEnter','onDragOver','onDragLeave',etc. combo: Add 'height' property to allow users to define the height of combo. combo: Add 'reset' method. numberbox: Add 'reset' method. spinner: Add 'reset' method. spinner: Add 'height' property to allow users to define the height of spinner. searchbox: Add 'height' property to allow users to define the height of searchbox. form: Add 'reset' method. validatebox: Add 'delay' property to delay validating from the last inputting value. validatebox: Add 'tipPosition' property to define the tip position, supported values are: 'left','right'. validatebox: Multiple validate rules on a field is supported now. slider: Add 'reversed' property to determine if the min value and max value will switch their positions. progressbar: Add 'height' property to allow users to define the height of progressbar. License: GPL License Commercial License


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  • 很强大 该有的都有了 很有帮助的
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