更新时间:2014-08-14 09:17:17
VB程序,声音效果按钮API应用。'加上声音效果的漂亮按钮 '-------------------------------------------------------------- 'BUTTONS_SOUND.VBP August 24, 1999 'Burt Abreu habreu@vbexplorer.com '-------------------------------------------------------------- 'This project was written to answer a FAQ - How to create 'rollover effects with sound. Thanks go to Rod Stephens 'of VB-Helper who cleaned up and tweaked the rollover 'code. You can check out his site at 'http://www.vb-helper.com. ' 'The code was also modified by Soren Christensen since 'I was only getting one of the sound files to play '(whichever one I opened first). You can reach Soren 'at soren@vbexplorer.com ' 'Soren explained that once you open a sound with MCI and 'assign this sound an alias you can not use that sound 'again - meaning you have to store the alias. Also sounds 'must be stopped before they can be played again. It is 'very tedious work to figure this out - at least until you 'find the mciGetError function, which is an incredible help. ' 'The balance of the sound play part was based on the sample 'project for the "Sound & Games" tutorial in the tutorials 'section. This code is not complete in that you should probably 'build in some error checking in case the files are not found. ' ' 'Visual Basic Explorer 'http://www.vbexplorer.com