文件名称:Apter, S. J. (1982). Troubled children/troubled systems. New York: Pergamon, 267 pp., [dollar]13.95
更新时间:2024-07-19 11:29:58
学术 论文
Apter, S. J. (1982). Troubled children/troubled systems. New York: Pergamon, 267 pp., [dollar]13.95 362 Book Reviews APTER, S . J. (1982). Troubled children/troubled systems. New York: Pergamon, 267 pp., $13.95. Troubled ChildrenlTroubled Systems is a comprehensive and very readable text- book on the psychology of emotionally and behaviorally disturbed children, the developmentally disabled, etc., and how this clientele impacts on the public schools (i.e., PL 94- 142). Apter’s orienta