[奥莱理] Exploring Everyday Things with R and Ruby

时间:2022-01-09 11:32:52
文件名称:[奥莱理] Exploring Everyday Things with R and Ruby
更新时间:2022-01-09 11:32:52
R语言 ruby 数据分析 It’s hard to compare intrepid explorers like Ferdinand Magellan, James Cook, and Roald Amundsen with someone, well, like me. While these adventurers braved the elements, wild nature, and unknown dangers to discover new worlds (at least for their civilization), my biggest physical achievement to date would probably be completing a 10-kilometer charity quarter-marathon—walking. The explorers of old had it good, of course, when it came to choices of unexplored places to stake their claim on. Christopher Columbus only had to sail due west from Europe, and he discovered two entire continents. For us, there are far fewer choices. There isn’t much landmass on Earth that is yet unexplored; even the Mariana Trench, the deepest part of the world’s oceans, has been conquered. But explorer I am, and explorer you will be in this book. While much of the known physical world has been conquered (see Figure P-1), the unknown still looms over most of us. We are all born with a sense of wonder and amazement at the world around us. Many of us just learn to turn it off as we grow older and jaded. I believe this is partly because we don’t understand what goes on in the world around us well enough, and thus we don’t care either. Click the remote and the TV turns on—why and how does that work? The first time we tried to ask, we were probably given a blank stare or waved away—who cares as long as you can watch the next season of American Idol? That soon grows to be our reaction as well. Preface
