文件名称:CSerialPort:Remon Spekreijse的串行端口类的最新修改版
更新时间:2024-06-17 08:54:21
communication serial-ports uart rs232 serialport
CSerialPort a lightweight library of serial port, which can easy to read and write serical port on windows with C++ 2021-01-13 the typical demo to use this class: First Version by Remon Spekreijse on 2000-02-08 Second Version by mrlong on 2007-12-25 增加 ClosePort 增加 WriteToPort 两个方法 增加 SendData 与 RecvData 方法 by liquanhai on 2011-11-04 增加 ClosePort 中交出控制权,防止死锁问题 by liquanhai on 2011-11-06 增加 Receive